Gill SW diary -green days

Now we live on the Coast in Southern Spain but used to live in the mountains where I put on all my weight in the first place - too much wine, food and partying and no gym. :eek: Now we live in civilization with a gym and a nice seafront for walking on 2 minutes away and a healthier life style.
Now we are near a

Prancing around Vietnam eating loads of good stuff AND you live in Sunny Spain! Grrrrrr! I cannot take it! I am going to lie down in a dark room -alone with my jealousy:sigh:.
Bad chocolate craving tonight. Had a bit of protein bar (choc flavour) and options so up to the full 15 syns now. Before having that I tried to have an apple but it didn't hit the spot at all! Hate when I go that as I try and find a substitute for what I am craving and it doesn't work as I still crave whatever I originally wanted so end up eating more :rolleyes:
I don't get them often but when I do they are really strong! Felt like I could demolish a chocolate bar but luckily we had none in the house.

loving mushy pea curry for my lunch at the minute with a quorn burger ;)


B - tried to make pancakes but they didn't go well and ended up more like scrambled egg! Used 2x egg whites, tbs sweetener and dollop (very technical) of cottage cheese blended into a pancake mix. Ate it but didn't really enjoy!

Snack - bit of scan bran cake (1syn plus half my HEB)

L - mushy pea curry, butternut squash and quorn burger (0.5 syns)

D - had scan bran (heb) with cottage cheese, feta (hea and rest of heb) with more mushy pea curry (just made some more for lunches and couldn't resist having some!)

snack - hot choc (2), protein bar (5)
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Thursday - trying success express today ;)

B - scan bran cake HEB with berries, ff and protein powder flavouring (3)

snack - half a grapefruit and bit of protein bar (3)

L - mushy pea curry with scan bran (HEB), cottage cheese

D - carrot and suede mash, veg, LM sausages and baked beans. Cheese melted on top (HEA)

snack - 2x hot choc (4), rest of grapefruit
total - 10 syns

weekly total - 10/105
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I had a very hungry day yesterday and ate loads! Was all Sw friendly but big portions! Hoping that today I'm a bit more normal...

Got my family over for tea again so going to make bns chips, SW potato salad (with loads of salad stuff) a quiche, sausage and bean bake with LM sausages. They are the normal sausages though as I picked them up by mistake. Not as nice as the rosemary and onion one and have syns! So decided to use them up in the bake as hopefully it will hide the taste a bit ;)

plan today is still success express...

B - 2 scan bran with berries and ff, protein shake (4)

L - mushy pea curry, other 3 scan bran (HEB)

D - salad, potato salad (1), then either some sausage/bean bake (2) or just bns chips. Bake has cheese in so that will be my HEA then I'm also doing peppers with feta, other HEB.

snacks - grapefruit, hot choc x 2 (4), protein bar (5)
total - 16 (oops! Will make up for it this week)
weekly total - 26/105
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Bad chocolate craving ATM! Think I'm going to have to use all my syns tomorrow on chocolate, maybe malteasers as I can have quite a few within syn allowance. Hoping if I have some I will satisfy my cravings and then they will go away!
Eating more SW friendly food is fine -Cadbury's Highlights do the job for me. It is 5am here and I have just got up and wanted Chocolate - goodness knows why as I usually drink green tea when I get up but just had a large mug.
I am going to rejoin SW the day we get back - last day on the free coupon out of Woman Mag - and will give Scan Bran a try again.
I love scanbran! Buy it all the time, even when not following SW :)

so today in the food shop I am going to buy some chocolate to treat myself tonight (within SW allowance though)

B - 3 scan bran, berries, ff, protein shake (2)

L - mushy pea curry, 2 scan bran (HEB)

D - salad, butternut squash, feta (HEA)
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B - 2 egg whites, homemade SW potato salad (1), quorn burger (0.5) lettuce.

snack - 2 scanbran, ff, berries, half a grapefruit, protein shake (3)

L - mushy pea curry, 3 scanbran HEB, cottage cheese

D - vegetable and pasta bake, (cheese HEA, feta HEB, passatta, wholewheat pasta, peas, onion, peppers)

hot choc (2)
Total - 6.5

I had about 25 syns yesterday so going to stick around 8 for the next few days to make up for it. Enjoyed though! Ended up having 2 x hot chocolates (4), pack of malteasers (I think 10 syns), 4 squares of dime milka (going to say 5 syns) and half a protein bar (5) so guessing around 25 syns total.

weekly total - 57.5/105
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Hello, subscribing if that's ok? Nice to read other veggie diaries :)
Well last night I went a bit wrong! OH got out dime milka and I couldn't resist, so weak!! :banghead:

so writing off the weekend and having a fresh start. Here's to a 100% week....


B - grapefruit, berries, ff

snack - protein bar (5)

L - 3 scanbran (heb will have another 2 later) with cottage cheese and mushy pea curry.

D - cauliflour pizza, red onion, feta HEB and Parmesan HEA

snack - grapefruit, protein bar (5)

total syns - 10
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