Going from Atkins to a VLCD?


New Member
Hi all!

I have been doing Atkins for 4 weeks today, I lost 12lbs in the first two weeks, but then weight loss slowed and I have lost 2lbs in the past two weeks. I do the diet religiously, am very used to it as my husband has been on it in the past and had great results.

However, I am on a very tight budget over the next month and I need to cut down on out goings as much as possible. My sister gave me a box of slim and save shakes, a months worth of them, and I really don't mind meal replacement diets, I lost a lot of weight on cambridge after I had my son ten years ago (and kept it off). Plus, I am in Ketosis and not hungry in the slightest, so shakes will be easy.

I have been doing prolonged induction, carbs don't suit me well at all, and i have been eating under 20gs a day. 3 packs of slim and save contain 36g of carbs per day - will this affect weight loss? Will I gain any?

I have googled, but its all people switching from vcld to Atkins, so I have had no joy!
Never heard if those shakes, maybe check what the artificial sugars are in them as they can ruin a LC diet??
If yr wgt loss was fine prior to starting the shakes.....there's your answer... Dump the shakes and go back to yr diet sheets from yr 12lb loss and re-do it...that will answer yr question.

I only use PHD Whey Protein Pharma HT, it's high protein and LC....I've used it for yrs and it's evidenced based in weight loss, bodybuilding, ripping in bodybuilding, muscle recovery etc.