Going the distance............here we go again

I know - I'm so easily pleased!!!



It will pass, it will pass, it will pass. Go do something with your hands until it does.
Took Smallerme's advice and got through day 5................by the skin of my teeth :p

Why-o-why can I not be one of the lucky people who hits Ketosis and the hunger stops? With me, I hit Ketosis and the hunger STARTS!!! :cry:

Could eat a scabby horse between 2 breadvans :(

I really, really feel your pain :(:( Hope it gets better for you very soon. Its the same for me, ketosis never takes away my hunger, I get so sad when I read people saying "Oh when Ketosis comes you won't be hungry..." etc....not for all us it doesn't! Mean, mean ketosis :(:(
Hey toots,
hope the hunger settles down :( Have you tried splitting packs in two or three and having them more often and loads a cups of tea/coffee/bouillion inbetween? Its day one for me after a looooong break and I'm feelin the hunger an all!!!
hi, I am on day 5 and still very hungry. I thought it was just me!!! have you had a coke zero, i find that usually fills me up. keep going kx
Hey toots,
hope the hunger settles down :( Have you tried splitting packs in two or three and having them more often and loads a cups of tea/coffee/bouillion inbetween? Its day one for me after a looooong break and I'm feelin the hunger an all!!!

Hey, there Hun - missed ya! How's it going??!!

Have water / coffee / bouillion coming out of my............well, let's just say I've had a lot. Will try splitting packs tomorrow - thanks

hi, I am on day 5 and still very hungry. I thought it was just me!!! have you had a coke zero, i find that usually fills me up. keep going kx

Will pop to Asda on way home from gym (if feel strong enough) and give the pop a whirl - ta

I'm not too bad thanks - lifes been pretty c@&££y of late but hey-ho!

Serious kudos for keepin up with the gym....I just can't get myself motivated to start back-it feels like another lifetime ago that I was a gym bunny....I must at least try sometime!
I know your pain Toots, it never really goes away for me either :hug99:

Thanks Bren - how ya feelin? Think there are loads of bugs doing the rounds :(

Hey hun hope the hunger pangs calm down for u soon x

Thanks - Me too!!!!

I really, really feel your pain :(:( Hope it gets better for you very soon. Its the same for me, ketosis never takes away my hunger, I get so sad when I read people saying "Oh when Ketosis comes you won't be hungry..." etc....not for all us it doesn't! Mean, mean ketosis :(:(

Couldn't agree more - mean, mean Ketosis fairy!

Ladies, so sorry - missed these earlier - when I clicked in it took me straight to Cookie's post and didn't realise you had posted too

I'm not too bad thanks - lifes been pretty c@&££y of late but hey-ho!

Serious kudos for keepin up with the gym....I just can't get myself motivated to start back-it feels like another lifetime ago that I was a gym bunny....I must at least try sometime!

It gets easier once you get into the swing of it. Also doesn't harm that my gym buddy is also a gym dictator!! I hope that things improve for you soon -hugs

Well, now feel sick as well as hungry and my poop is army green :eek: On the plus side, really couldn't eat anything if I tried

Army green......oh dear!!!

Hope you feel much better in the morn.
Thanks, Hun

Well, day 7 - would you Adam and Eve it? Ages since I got this far without a little something extra!!! Plus have stayed off scales - that is the most amazing thing. Do you know what? I feel so much happier for it and I have not done any bargaining with myself (you know the kind....I'm starving, right if I haven't lost xlbs I'm gonna have something to eat) I have been hungry, not gonna lie and sometimes this week I have had to have willpower of steel but I haven't been able to "justify" eating!! (iykwim)

Think I am going to have saturday as my weigh in day - think that it will set me up for the weekend not wanting to ruin all my good work!!

Hope everyone's happy, healthy and going strong

Congrats on getting to day 7....no mean feat, especially without the scale hopping (and all that that entails)!!

You got it sorted girl!!

Hav a goodun
Aw, thanks mate - you too

Well done Toots, stay strong (and ewwwww on the pewwwww)

am feeling better, don't think it was a bug, just my monthly playing up!
Well done Toots, stay strong (and ewwwww on the pewwwww)

am feeling better, don't think it was a bug, just my monthly playing up!

Ooh - not good. If it happens again I'd see the doc and try to get some hormonolies sorted ;)

Glad you're on the mend
