great low carb research, articles and resources


Full Member
Hey I found some really great videos and articles I thought you atkineers and low carbers may be interested to see :)

The Food Revolution - AHS 2011 - YouTube

The Battle of the Diets: Is Anyone Winning (At Losing?) - YouTube

Why You Got Fat - YouTube

Big Fat Lies - YouTube

It Really Has Been A Big Fat Lie: An Interview With Gary Taubes on Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Carbohydrates | Primer

I sometimes get so frustrated with the fact the nutritional advice 'eat low fat, high carb' - is accepted as the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, WHAT a load of *@£&!!

It makes me sad though, to see so many people ruining their health when they're blindly following health 'experts' and our own governments advice on healthy living....

let me know your thoughts and please add anything else you think may be of interest! :) happy low carbing!
Thanks for the post mighty :) really interesting
Thanks mighty! You're so right - I never realised this before and was including a lot of wholegrain carbs in my diet (oats, wholemeal bread and pasta etc.) then when I started with a personal trainer recently she told me that the reason I have a lot of fat stored around my middle is because of the carbs! So even healthy carbs should be restricted it seems.
thanks will have aread of these x
Mightymonocle are you doing LCHF, low carb high fat? I've been reading the diet doctor's Facebook page about what's being going on in Sweden and have just watched the video you link to. I'm convinced and have just now committed to following this diet, Dr Eenfeldt's presentation was so clear and simple. Eat real low carb food and eat good fats. Simples!
Mightymonocle are you doing LCHF, low carb high fat? I've been reading the diet doctor's Facebook page about what's being going on in Sweden and have just watched the video you link to. I'm convinced and have just now committed to following this diet, Dr Eenfeldt's presentation was so clear and simple. Eat real low carb food and eat good fats. Simples!

no, unfortunately not, well not YET! I am on a total food replacement diet at the moment, as it causes me to be in ketosis and shed weight rapidly

(which, when I begun the diet, is what I felt I needed - I had no knowledge or interest in nutrition at the time I started, just felt overwhelmed by the fact I had almost half my body weight I needed to lose to get to a mid range BMI!)

as it has been working well for me I want to continue on my total food replacement diet to get to a healthy weight, but mentally I am LCHF - plan to maintain my weight loss (and reap the overall health benefits!) through eating unprocessed, natural (and delicious), low carb, high fat and adequate protein foods FOR LIFE.

Right now, I am on a diet, and a drastic one at that. However, eating low carb is not a diet but a lifestyle choice, and in my opinion, the healthiest one you can make!
Well, I finally got round to checking these out - it's terrifying.... I'm on a total food replacement diet as well - I have a lot to lose. However, I'm thinking long term - I really need to consider what I'm going to do once I introduce conventional food to my diet. This helps a lot - thank you. X