Half marathon training

Lucy: you are doing great, you have made so much progress already. Running is a challenging sport, it is not meant to be easy. I still struggle to get through some of my runs. The key thing is not to give up.
Distance is always the priority over speed.
I get aches, but generally know why I have them: pushed myself too much, run two days running, need new shoes etc. Have you had gait analysis?

Gina: be careful running on your own at night. Nothing wrong with using a treadmill during the week and then doing a long run outside at the w/e. I am pretty paranoid running in the dark.
No I haven't tried one but heard loads about it, is it where you get analysed by running on a treadmill to determine your running style? They then can recommend the best trainers?
I'd be worried about the cost, though?
You def need proper running shoes hun, most proper sports shop will watch you run and recommend the best shoe etc. My trainers were £55 and worth every penny!

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I used to suffer from knee pain, so had the gait analysis and found I was wearing the wrong type of shoe. Since changing to the right type I have been fine. I would really recommend it.
I did it!

I'm awful for wanting things here and now so I found my nearest one and left work early! I've only got a mild to medium turn inwards and I was wearing very cushioned and supportive saucony so I've bought some medium support new balance ones, plus I was wearing the wrong size.
Next run was tonight but I'm busy cooking and cleaning for my best friend coming tomorrow, haven't seen her in yonks now that she lives in London so I want everything perfect for her, she hasn't seen the new house yet, I'm so excited!
Probably fit a run in either sat or sun, hopefully the rest will do my knee the world of good, can't wait to try out my new runners though!

Thanks all, hugs!
I've got new balance trainers too, found them really springy, I love them! You'll have a little workout cleaning the house anyway so don't worry! :)

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first run since the half marathon, not as bad as i thought. freezing cold and rainy though, my feet really hate runnin still so i came home to find my foot all bloody again..... but the start of my marathon training!
braved the darkness first time running, stuck to the main roads with streetlights and loads of traffic. wouldnt run in the park when its that dark, no way!
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Ok so first go with new shiny trainers ended in epic failure, first off my shins started aching so I slowed right down to practically a speed walk only just jogging, then my ankles started to twinge, I got 1.5 miles and gave up.
I then had toenail pain all afternoon even though I've gone up half a size, is this normal? Do they need breaking in or have I made a huge mistake switching! Cry
Where did you buy them? When I bought mine, they came with a 2 week guarantee so if after a run, they were uncomfortable etc I could have taken them back and swapped them. It might not be the trainers. I think most runners get manky nails, I still do now. Did you ever get ankle pain before? I would def take them back to the shop and ask tho, they should be experts so know. Not good tho hun, sorry :-(

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Hi Jen no the pain is new, i mean I've had shin pain in the past but it never developed into anything!

I've heard that I can take them back, or swap so I'm ok, still want to try again and see, at least that's the beauty of running on the treadmill, they won't get dirty!
Sounds like your trainers are making you run different to what you are used to. Be careful if you try again, just listen to your body.
That's good that you have an option to take them back. :)
Just rang and yes no problem they will certainly take back/exchange. I'm nervous now, do I stick with mine or get something new but like mine but against what the gait analysis said!?
He agreed though that they are obviously making me run differently and to stop using them!
As I only did 1.5 miles last night I may have another go in mine tonight, or I might even be brave and try kettle, I've been recording it on sky for some upper body toning!
Thanks all!
Ok so first go with new shiny trainers ended in epic failure, first off my shins started aching so I slowed right down to practically a speed walk only just jogging, then my ankles started to twinge, I got 1.5 miles and gave up.
I then had toenail pain all afternoon even though I've gone up half a size, is this normal? Do they need breaking in or have I made a huge mistake switching! Cry

youve just changed my mind about going to try new trainers now, ill get the same pair i have already i think.... the ones i have are my best yet. mine are the asics :) ill just go for the same style and colour, nothing new...
Perhaps that's what I should do, stick to saucony but neat to the hurricane that I have, I'm scared of going against what they recommended but equally scared if my legs hurting!
ive seen some more asics i like but they dont do my size, alot of the ones i like dont go up to a 7, usually only a 6.5
Might be worth doing the gait analysis again. I had it a 2nd time when my trainers didn't feel right. Turned out the first analysis was wrong.
We're you having problems with your old pair of trainers?
This is the thing shaz, not really problems as such, I guess I hoped it was the trainers when in reality I think I've just got dodgy knees! It's so hard to explain but when I'm not in my trainers I feel different, going down stairs particularly!
I've asked for my old exercise bike back and I think I'm going to reduce one run and swap for the bike. I'm not giving up running, perhaps my max is 5k after all.

I should really get my knees looked at but I'm scared of the outcome.....
even if your max is 5k, keep it up and do the nest you can :D
I don't know what just happened..... 4.5 miles in just under an hour, ok it's slow and probably a good 15 mins if warm up and cool down walking but I'm thrilled!

My old trainers are my new best friend!