Hann's IF Diary - 7 months and counting :)

Looking good.

Just be careful re the fybrogel, if you've taken too much and still not gone it can bung you up and you need something to help push!! Time for something else me thinks!!

16 lost : 51 to goal
Great news re wash loss doll :)

Did u try the Psyllium Husks? 3 tablets 2/3 times and day should sort u right out. X
Caroline_Louise said:
Great news re wash loss doll :)

Did u try the Psyllium Husks? 3 tablets 2/3 times and day should sort u right out. X

I couldn't find the ones I had from my exante spell so I haven't had a chance to get any. Got fybogel which is pretty much the same except it's boke to drink lol. I'm pleased re the loss but hoping for a little more this week :p I'm definitely due a good loss sometime soon... Still in the + for September (gained .4 I think) so I'd like to see some kind of decent loss this Saturday to wrap up September with a loss lol

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Morning Hannah, well done on the woosh, I am thinking that once you have a "clear out" you will lose some more too, so definately heading for a loss this week I should think.... have a great day and hope you feel better...
Yay. Well done on the loss. So glad it came out in the wash, as it were. Hopefully things will "move" soon. Had a similiar problem back when I first turned vegetarian years ago, when I went through a spell where I couldn't go for the better part of three weeks. :eek: Finally went while I was waiting for my oncologist appointment...that was a blessed relief, I can tell you! In the end it was fybrogel that did the trick, so hopefully that'll do the trick soon enough.

Hope you're feeling better today.
hannata said:
ooh men bashing love it :p

Sat 260.1
sun 256.6 (-3.5 post uuu)
mon 257.6 (+1 post uud) -2.5
Tue 261.5 (+3.9 post ddu) +1.4
Wed 257.6 (-3.9 post uud) -2.5

whoop whoop it came out in the wash! I love you whooshie fairy!! LOL

Still havent been to the toilet, feels like my tum is going to explode but I'm not in any pain.... very odd indeed

I need a visit from the whoosh fairy too please :) x
Just pondering earlier on, thinking how much juddd has changed me. Yesterday I had a pepsi max, something which I used to enjoy a lot until now... I didn't really enjoy it yesterday because it was sickeningly sweet?! I no longer can stomach sweetener in my tea, and I no longer drink litres of diet fizzy pop.

I used to be a carb craving monster and spent half of my time on carb crashes from giving in to the cravings. I think on hindsight, I probably was a borderline diabetic, in a horrible cycle of eating crap, insulin sensors going mental and pouring out loads of insulin, rinse and repeat (I believe they call it syndrome X, a precursor to diabetes)

I've been on juddd for 10 weeks and my carb cravings are virtually nil. Don't get me wrong I'm still eating sugar, but I'm making a decision based on what I want to have rather than where my cravings are taking me. I dont eat a quarter of what I used to eat, and I no longer have significant carb crashes or any kind of sugar cravings!

There is definitely more to juddd than just the calorie deficit, and it has changed me in so many ways... I feel like I'm becoming a normal human being, and not being controlled by food, having what I enjoy not just having whatever sugar I can find to satisfy my cravings and emotional distress....

A bit of a long emo post but I thought I'd put it out there for you to laugh at :p
hannata said:
Just pondering earlier on, thinking how much juddd has changed me. Yesterday I had a pepsi max, something which I used to enjoy a lot until now... I didn't really enjoy it yesterday because it was sickeningly sweet?! I no longer can stomach sweetener in my tea, and I no longer drink litres of diet fizzy pop.

I used to be a carb craving monster and spent half of my time on carb crashes from giving in to the cravings. I think on hindsight, I probably was a borderline diabetic, in a horrible cycle of eating crap, insulin sensors going mental and pouring out loads of insulin, rinse and repeat (I believe they call it syndrome X, a precursor to diabetes)

I've been on juddd for 10 weeks and my carb cravings are virtually nil. Don't get me wrong I'm still eating sugar, but I'm making a decision based on what I want to have rather than where my cravings are taking me. I dont eat a quarter of what I used to eat, and I no longer have significant carb crashes or any kind of sugar cravings!

There is definitely more to juddd than just the calorie deficit, and it has changed me in so many ways... I feel like I'm becoming a normal human being, and not being controlled by food, having what I enjoy not just having whatever sugar I can find to satisfy my cravings and emotional distress....

A bit of a long emo post but I thought I'd put it out there for you to laugh at :p

Here here :) (not laughing... Completely agreeing!) xx
Just pondering earlier on, thinking how much juddd has changed me. Yesterday I had a pepsi max, something which I used to enjoy a lot until now... I didn't really enjoy it yesterday because it was sickeningly sweet?! I no longer can stomach sweetener in my tea, and I no longer drink litres of diet fizzy pop.

I used to be a carb craving monster and spent half of my time on carb crashes from giving in to the cravings. I think on hindsight, I probably was a borderline diabetic, in a horrible cycle of eating crap, insulin sensors going mental and pouring out loads of insulin, rinse and repeat (I believe they call it syndrome X, a precursor to diabetes)

I've been on juddd for 10 weeks and my carb cravings are virtually nil. Don't get me wrong I'm still eating sugar, but I'm making a decision based on what I want to have rather than where my cravings are taking me. I dont eat a quarter of what I used to eat, and I no longer have significant carb crashes or any kind of sugar cravings!

There is definitely more to juddd than just the calorie deficit, and it has changed me in so many ways... I feel like I'm becoming a normal human being, and not being controlled by food, having what I enjoy not just having whatever sugar I can find to satisfy my cravings and emotional distress....

A bit of a long emo post but I thought I'd put it out there for you to laugh at :p

Whats to laugh at dude!? Thats lovely! You are making so many positive changes through this way of eating. Not just to your weight/ appearance but overall healthy and also your mind, and let me tell you, that last one is very valuable indeed. HOORUH for juddd :)
hannata said:

Pure coughing my lungs out had to use inhaler booo. But I'm sooooo looking forward to pizza pizza pizzzaaaaaaa piiiiiZzzZzzAAAAA! Nom nom nom I are hungryyyyyy

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Yay to pizza :-D xx
hannata said:
I am literally stuffed... Pizza and the remainders of my vice versas from the last up day :p

S'a goooooood day xxxx

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Hann, you ARE the Queen of pizza! :D

P x
Wooooot woot toilet troubles begone...! :D

To be honest... If the odd toilet problem is the worst I have to handle I'll never have problems with this diet.... I was eating a clean clean clean diet when I was gym obsessed and I was going about 10-15 times a day....it was flipping hell. Couldn't go out without knowing if a toilet was near! Good old ibs lol

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