Hann's IF Diary - 7 months and counting :)

And my mums starting IF with me, she's doing the same pattern as I am, fasting 5-5 starting on Sunday, tues, and thur nights. Very happy. Hope it works as well for her as it does me. :3

Had a heart to heart with the guy who's in an unhappy relationship and we decided to just stay friends for now. I genuinely think he's getting feelings for me and it's scared him into not wrecking it. I'm not sure how I feel but staying friends is a good step, not going into anything in a rush is the safe option lol.

Things are still **** with the guy I was in love with but I'm moving on slowly. Think the nice weight loss gave me a lift in my mood and it's not upsetting me as much. It's funny how the scales can still have a damper on your headspace if you let them. Finding the true weight app very handy as its plotted out my success so far and reminds me how far I've come.

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Hello 240s!!! Team amazeballs is going strong! I've yet to have a week where I haven't dipped in to the 250s so that's definitely an aim for me too. Maybe 16 something for both of us by Xmas day?

Well done and keep going. And don't forget - boys smell.
bolero982 said:
Yay on being in the 240s! Well done. :) Certain you can get to where you want to be by Xmas. Must be what 7 weeks until then? Sure you can do it. :) Good luck for your mum too. Hope works as well as it does for you. :) xx

Yep 7 weigh ins. Hoping to keep the loss I've had so far, then another 1lb a week til Christmas will be lovely :) so that'll take me near the bottom of the 240s. :) woo!

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237 is 16'13, not sure if I'll get down that low for Christmas. But getting near that weight would be a really positive step. I would *love* to get to 240, but I think it might be a stretch for me. From next week until Christmas I'll be in damage prevention mode.

Still intending on having 2 fasts on Xmas week, but I'm sure when I eat it will be colossal lol. So hopefully the gain will be no more than half a stone.

I feel happy knowing I have Christmas planned, going to be a lot less likely to stray. :)

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Week 15 weigh in

Sat 251.9
Sun 253 (+1.1 post up) +1.1
Mon 253.1 (+0.1 post uud) +1.2
Tue 253 (-0.1 post ddu & walk) +1.1
wed 251.4 (-1.6 post uud & gym) -0.5
Thu 249.7 (-1.7 post ddu) -2.2

Weeeeeeee :D

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There you go, thats really brilliant. just shows with this lifestyle you just have to keep the faith & it works its magic even if for a few days you think its going in the wrong direction. well done!!!!
Hey Hanna, I havent been around much I just check back from time to time. Great to see you have stuck it out & doing so well. My goal to kick off the new year is 245, so i'm also hoping to get close to 240 by xmas so i can just relax & enjoy xmas & new year & still stay near my 245 goal.

Good luck hun :)
Week 15 weigh in

Sat 251.9
Sun 253 (+1.1 post up) +1.1
Mon 253.1 (+0.1 post uud) +1.2
Tue 253 (-0.1 post ddu & walk) +1.1
wed 251.4 (-1.6 post uud & gym) -0.5
Thu 249.7 (-1.7 post ddu) -2.2
Fri 247.9 (-1.8 post uud) -4

Hahaha :D you little BEAUTY.

I was over at my friends house last night(so no gym) and his brother was in (the one who said he'd date me if I was slim). Slimgate isn't exactly the most social of people, even with his family. But he was down talking to us and he made me a cup of tea... Also when we went to leave, he gave me a hug which was *reaaaaaaallllllyyyy* awkward. I barely responded... Went to bed last night and I could smell his scent on me :( urghhhhhhhhhhhhh. Just feels wrong, especially now he's seeing some other girl.. He's not having his cake and eating it. No way am I giving him attention while he leads me on again. No ****ing way. I'm so much better than that.

But I had a really good time with my friend, we pretty much giggled all night and he's such a good laugh. :)

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DeeOne said:
Hey Hanna, I havent been around much I just check back from time to time. Great to see you have stuck it out & doing so well. My goal to kick off the new year is 245, so i'm also hoping to get close to 240 by xmas so i can just relax & enjoy xmas & new year & still stay near my 245 goal.

Good luck hun :)

Hiya! I remember you! Thanks for the support :D I really love juddd. I've even managed to get my mum on board and one of my friends is considering it too. I'm pretty much in the same place, from now til Christmas is damage limitation. I'd like to be this weight I am now after Christmas, so what I gain over Christmas, I have to lose before then. :)

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Week 15 weigh in

I was over at my friends house last night(so no gym) and his brother was in (the one who said he'd date me if I was slim). Slimgate isn't exactly the most social of people, even with his family. But he was down talking to us and he made me a cup of tea... Also when we went to leave, he gave me a hug which was *reaaaaaaallllllyyyy* awkward. I barely responded... Went to bed last night and I could smell his scent on me :( urghhhhhhhhhhhhh. Just feels wrong, especially now he's seeing some other girl.. He's not having his cake and eating it. No way am I giving him attention while he leads me on again. No ****ing way. I'm so much better than that.

But I had a really good time with my friend, we pretty much giggled all night and he's such a good laugh. :)

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what a prick who does he think he is?! Glad you had a great time with your friend :D

and -4 WOO HOO!!
Well done on the loss, Han. Really well deserved, and I couldn't be more pleased for you getting these fantastic results. Yay! :)

Sorry to hear of the Slimgate issues. He's been social and hugging??!! Have aliens abducted him and replaced him with some weird replicant? You're perfectly right not to be led along again and can't help but agree...you deserve so much better than that, and are such an amazing woman. xx
bolero982 said:
Well done on the loss, Han. Really well deserved, and I couldn't be more pleased for you getting these fantastic results. Yay! :)

Sorry to hear of the Slimgate issues. He's been social and hugging??!! Have aliens abducted him and replaced him with some weird replicant? You're perfectly right not to be led along again and can't help but agree...you deserve so much better than that, and are such an amazing woman. xx

I KNOW! I feel like he nearly set it up so he could hug me.... Me and his bro were leaving (my sis and his best mate came, and we were parting ways, I was taking lil sis home and he was going out with mate) and he grabbed a hold of his brother and made a big jokey fuss about it, so that it wouldn't look like a big deal for him to hug me.. I don't like that kind of sneaky stuff it's creepy... :/

Thanks for the support guys it's giving me the confidence not to be weak and give in. Xx

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