Have to do this

Just thought I would check back in- Still seem to be doing ok on my exante and high protein diet. I wasn't as hungry today which was a relief!
Have been having a shake for breakfast- a bar at 12 midday, another at 4pm and a high protein dinner ( steak/ turkey with mushrooms) in the evening. I feel as if I am losing weight , my wedding & engagement rings keep twisting on my finger! I can't remember that ever happening before- No sign of anything swiveling in my hip/bum area but I shall remain hopeful for next week!
It is fairly easy-though I do get quite a few headaches at times- I am probably not drinking enough water.
Hi All,
Haven't posted in a while- I hope everyone is doing ok with their weight loss journey?
I seem to be doing ok, had an off day yesterday but it was planned- I decided to treat myself to coffee and cake with a friend yesterday morning and last night I treated myself to two bagels with light Philadelphia. I am back on the wagon again today having had a banana shake for breakfast and a bar at 2pm. I am drinking copious amounts of black tea and intend to have salad and lean meat for dinner and another bar later.
Tomorrow will be another day off the wagon as I am going to a family celebration, but I think I am finally learning that that does not mean I have to gorge myself for the day. I can have my meal, steer clear of too many carbs and stay relatively 'saintly' for the rest of the day!
I don't expect a drastic weight loss this week as I have not been too strict this week but I am ok with that so long as it is going in the right direction. I know I will have a better chance of reaching my goal if I pace myself.
I hope everyone has a nice Saturday and we all manage to stay on target.
Morning all!:wave_cry:
Not a happy bunny this morning but I have only myself to blame! Weighed in this am and its the same as last week! I am not one bit surprised really, I was very lax with my protein snacks last week!
Oh well, onwards we go- I think I will try doing TS next week as I have a week off and only my unfortunate family will have to suffer my surliness as I grumble my way into ketosis! It will be tomorrow morning as I have a family gathering today and drinking a powder mix or a space-age looking bar will not wash with my relations.

I hope everyone is well this foggy morning
Thanks Darcy,
Had a nice afternoon with my family, I didnt eat too much but I feel quite queasy, it must be a the shock to the syatem after 3 weeks of packs & protein. I am actually quite looking forward to doing TS for a while- it will take the 'thinking of what to eat' decision away. I know the first few days will be tough, I might take 4 packs for a while if it is too tough.
I see from your thread you are doing well- good on you and thanks for taking the time to post.
Hi. Hope you're enjoying half term and getting on ok with the diet. Hope it goes ok with TS. I certainly found I lost more on TS but have found adding in a couple of WS days each week makes this diet more manageable long term.
Have also just started using MyFitnessPal to keep track of what I'm eating on my WS days and it's a great little app.
Good luck with this week of dieting!
well done so far hun..... its like a slightly carby version of WS that ya have been doing .. A week at TS will give you a great loss if you cab stick it out and get past day 4.. Once you get to day 4 the ketosis fairy should have been and your energy levels start to pick up again.. good luck xxx
Ah just put it behind you, I gained this week because I lost the whole game yesterday and binged :( but today a new day, as you say onwards we go.

Have a good day

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Thanks Lucy, Gill & Valentine for your encouraging posts! Today is going well so far- I had a hot choc shake at 8am and a pint of water. Then I brought our little cocker spaniel out for a walk and we ended up doing 7 miles in an hour and 40 mins- the poor little thing is literally lying doggo! I, on the otherhand, am brimming with energy but I know there will probably be a crotchety crash later on as withdrawal kicks in....though it may not be too bad as I hadn't gone on a total blow-out!
Got a good kick in the a** yesterday when I discovered I am 5 pounds heavier than my father! He has been on a diet since Christmas and has lost ten pounds and he is 6 foot 3! That gave me an incentive to be in the 14's by the end of this week!
I am going to try one of the dreaded soups for lunch, I dumped them all except the thai chicken, and a bar in the evening- if things get too tough I will add a fourth pack.
Well, that's all for now folks.
Thanks again
Thanks Lucy, Gill & Valentine for your encouraging posts! Today is going well so far- I had a hot choc shake at 8am and a pint of water. Then I brought our little cocker spaniel out for a walk and we ended up doing 7 miles in an hour and 40 mins- the poor little thing is literally lying doggo! I, on the otherhand, am brimming with energy but I know there will probably be a crotchety crash later on as withdrawal kicks in....though it may not be too bad as I hadn't gone on a total blow-out!
Got a good kick in the a** yesterday when I discovered I am 5 pounds heavier than my father! He has been on a diet since Christmas and has lost ten pounds and he is 6 foot 3! That gave me an incentive to be in the 14's by the end of this week!
I am going to try one of the dreaded soups for lunch, I dumped them all except the thai chicken, and a bar in the evening- if things get too tough I will add a fourth pack.
Well, that's all for now folks.
Thanks again


You might find that your tastes change over time. Mine certainly did!

I thought the chicken soup was absolutely disgusting at first - now it is one of my favourites.

I stick to just soups now, and rarely have the bars - they made me hungrier somehow, gave me some gastric 'difficulties' :eek:, and I think stalled my weight loss.

Stay strong, and this will work! :D
Hi All,
Won't even mention the day that is in it- Hallmark day if you ask me....bah humbug! Would much rather have romance on a dark dreary monday in November than be told to be romantic today..........Maybe it is obvious I am on TS & cranky?;)
Got through yesterday but had to give in to a few slices of low fat cheese last night as I was weak, I think my 7 mile super hike was not a good idea on the day I decided to go TS!
I am taking it a little easier today, just doing a few jobs around the garden etc, I don't want to feel that weak again tonight.
So far today I have had a hot vanilla shake with coffee at 8am and a bar at 12. planning to have another hot shake about 4pm and if I need it another bar or shake tonight. I ordered a box of porridge which should be here tomorrow and I am hoping that will keep me a little more satisfied- I love porridge so here is hoping......
Good luck all.
Well the rest of the day went rapidly downhill! We spent the whole day at home and I just couldn't seem to fight the hunger pangs ( real or imagined!) I ended up eating 4 babybel lights and a packet of sliced turkey, oh and a sneaky curly-wurly bar too! I had copious cups of coffee, tea and bouillon as well and nothing seemed to come near to filling the hole!
I think I will have to look at things again, I just don't think I am ready/able for TS, is it to do with my metabolism or my mind....I don't know?
Anyway, will plough ahead as best I can, just had a hot vanilla coffee shake, I am getting out of the house today as that seems to be a disaster, I am going into town with my sons and hope to meet a friend for coffee- I will bring a bar and see if I can resist temptation in the coffee shop?
I wonder if the amount I have to lose has something to do with my inability to get to grips with TS, subconciously am I saying to myself '....oh you don't have that much to lose....go on have something to eat....'. I don't know? Just thinking out loud- one good thing though is that I certainly have more energy that I have had in over a year.....for the past year I have been very lethargic, I injured my back last winter ( a nasty fall in the ice) and then I developed a hiatus hernis and a helicobacter infection and just took to the chair! I can see now how they may have been connected, I went from being relatively active to becoming very sedentary and didn't really adapt my diet to that. I think I put on over a stone last year ( not entirely sure as I never used the scales, but judging by my clothes that was the case). I think sitting around a lot with my sore back contributed then to my stomach problems, anyway, that is a very long-winded way of saying that I feel a lot more energetic of late and I think that is down to cutting out many of the carbohydrates. I don't believe in demonising a food group but I certainly believe that processed carbohydrates are very bad for us humans long-term! Ironic really to be saying that given that the exante packs are so processed, but that is a short term solution.
Enough rambling, I will have to think about what plan is going to be dietwise for the next few weeks- I may have to resort back to the age old calorie counting and losing at a slower rate. My long term goal is my 40th birthday in the summer. I want to be back to my wedding day weight by then which means a loss of two stone! That should be veryy attainable by the summer if I stay positive.
Bye for now ( If anyone has persisted in reading this long and winding post to this stage!)
Well, my day in town certainly helped me to forget hunger! Either that or I completely sickened myself with 2 huge and very strong americanos! It did the trick, but probably is not the healthiest way to fight hunger pangs.
I am no way as hungry today, which leads me to believe a lot of yesterday was psychological! I just had my hot shake this morning and a plate of stirfried chicken today- oh and my 2 chamberpots of coffee! I will have a bar tonight when I come back from bringing my sons to soccer & rugby, I intend to go for a brisk hour long walk on the seafront while I wait for them to finish their games! Oh.......How virtuous I am.......I am positively sickening myself;).
Hope everyone is having a good evening?
Morning all!
Writing this from the bed:) Just had a bar and a cup of tea and am feeling good.
I went for a walk last night as planned and was very pleasantly surprised by my speed- I walked a very familiar distance much
faster than I have done for years! Very pleased with that- it's very good to feel energetic again after spending a year in a fog of lethargy & apathy.
The plan for today is to go for another brisk walk, it's a circuit of about 4.5 miles and I am going to try to do it in 50 mins ( maybe an hour would be more realistic). We are going to stay at home today so I will have to be careful not to repeat the mistakes of 2 days ago!
No doubt, I will be back on here again later with further updates.
Good day to all.
Enjoy you walk, it's great when you feel more energetic isn't it! Have a great day


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Skippidy doo da! Had a peek at the scales a while ago- with clothes and runners on and I seem to have lost 3lbs since Monday! Very pleased! Hope to break into the 14's by end of week:D
Hey O, are you still Exante-ing? Hope everything is ok!
Hi Want2beMe,
I am still here- I was away for the weekend and am back at work this week- hence the silence! I think I am doing ok? Was off the wagon on Sat & Sun but I am back on track now. I got a lot of exercise over the weekend and even though I was off exante for the weekend I didn't feel like eating a lot- my stomach must have shrunk!
Since Monday am I have been having a shake for breakfast, a bar for lunch and protein in the evening- I am on WS again. I know I could be losing a lot faster but I have to be able to cope at work so it looks like the slow route for me....as I said before though, I feel way more energetic and a lot fitter.
Anyway, enough about me, how are you doing? Thanks for checking up on me:D
Take care