Have you always been overweight? If not what do you think triggered your weight gain?

You see reading through this thread I can empathise with a lot of what is being said.

I have always been tall and so I think my family sort of saw me as an adult and so I would get given adult portions so that didn't help.

Then my parents left me to look after my little bro and I used to make our tea and most of it would be convenience foods.

When I moved in with the ex I didn't need to impress him so I ate what I wanted. We were skint and could get chicken and chips from the take away for 99p so used to do that a lot. He was also 7 stone nothing and could eat like a gannet so when we had money we would go on big splurges of crisps and cheesecakes then pig out on them. When things turned bad with him I turned to food as a comfort.
I was born in an age where if you didn't have a bonny baby in the pram, other folks would think you weren't looking after the baby properly, so I was a bonny baby. I then grew into a child who was of normal weight until I had a bug of some sort and my mum took me to the doctors for a "tonic" to pick my appetite up, and boy did it. I don't know what it was but my mum said I never stopped eating from then on. I was a normal teenager weight but I think that came from school and the pe we did. After that its been down hill fast. I know I reward myself with food (comes from childhood when I was good it was have an ice cream or a chocolate) and when I am upset I eat, (again from childhood, when I fell over it was have a biscuit to make it all better) so emotions whether happy or sad are triggers for me to eat because that's how I know it. That's what I have to learn to deal with to solve the weight problem, but learning it is very hard and a whole new way of thinking. Emotions of some sort happen everyday don't they so its going to be a long process of reconditioning for me.
i think mine was cause by dieting when i was 18 i was a size 10 but i thought my legs where fat so i diet but i'd get fed up and stop then binge for a few months then do it again each time adding alittle weight i was 12-14 at 21 when i had my dd didn't gain a think with her actually lost (i had hypermisis) then i binged after her cause i hadn't been able to eat much while pg that stayed down then i dieted and stopped and so it went on this time starting sw i was 16-18 can u see where i will be if i don't do it this time