Hello Everyone!!


Hi Ladies (and Gents I am sure)

I am new to this...I'm on SW. I'm a 21 year old student. 5'4" and am currently 11 stone and 3.75 lbs (according to my very specific scales).

Just trying to figure this site out but not having much luck.....want to have the goals thing you all have showing how much weight you've lost below your posts but can't figure it out :sigh:

Lovely to meet you all :)

I've been lurking quite a while using this site to find out syn values but am now a fully fledged member!! Woop woop. x
Hi Bex22, im new here to, sure we will get lots of advice and support from the site, good luck with your weight loss. xxx
And good luck with your's :D
Hi Bex22, welcome! i've been on this site for about two weeks.looks like we are doing different diets, everyone on here is soo helpful and is a great support network!

When you say about putting your goals and weights etc in at the bottom. If you click on where it says "user CP" on the blue tab bit at the top of the page, then on the left it will say edit signature and then you can write your goals, weight loss etc :) xxx
Thank you!! Will do that now! :)
emmaede, thank you from me too, i have just done my weight using your instructions. xx
Let me see if mine works.....I wanted to write more like you have emmaedes but it wouldn't let me have more than 150 characters! :(
Oooo turkish delight we are the same weight!!