

Full Member
Hi I'm back having spent 2 days in hospital, I'm very sore and struggling to consume anything but water. I did have to try and eat a flapjack before they would let me home but had to throw it in the bin having managed a quarter. I have to contact the chemist regarding continuing the diet. I did struggle gettin on the site for some reason I had been logged out and couldn't remember my pass word hope you are all doing well xx
I hope your surgery went well Clair xx
Welcome back Clair hope you recover quickly huni, be kind to yourself and take it easy :)
Welcome back remember you health is more important maybe you should have a wee break from LT just for a week or two? Then when you feeling better maybe gradually start back maybe substute a meal a day for a shake till your on 3 a day? Take care pet hope your better soon xo