Help needed for PV

Julie 316

Full Member
Hi all,

Tomorrow will be my first PV day. I am going to go shopping today so I am ready but have a quick (borderline stupid) question.

With the vegetables .... can you have frozen?

I only ask as my son is on holiday with his dad soon, my other half is working odd shifts so if I buy a broccoli it will go to waste if I'm eating every other day. Whereas frozen won't spoil.

Help appreciated, mocking accepted!!

That is fantastic!!

Thanks for the reply .... I'm off to Tesco
Frozen veg is fine :). Obviously not as nice as fresh tho - although frozen whole green beans are delish and under a pound at asda - don't know why whole green beans taste better than sliced green beans but they do!!! ;-)
Frozen veg are awesome for the diet. I pop them in a steamer in the microwave and they're delicious but the mixed veg is difficult because there are some things (like peas and corn) that aren't allowed on the diet but they're always the bulk of a mixed bag.