HELP!!!! Wedding alert!!!


Guess who's back...?
Uh oh - I start LL on 24th August and have just realised it is a friend of the family's wedding on the bloody 6th of bloody September!!!! ARGHHHHH!

In my head I was imagining it was still months away (!) and I would arrive looking all svelte and gorgeous, whisking lots of eligible young men off their feet... ah well... lol.

I am going to try and cry off the dinner, and just turn up later for, errr, water and bad dancing - but does anyone have any tips/excuses for dealing with these kinds of functions SOOO early on?

Also, I have nothing to wear at the moment - want to go shopping, but will be around 2 weeks along by then - do you think i'll have lost enough weight to make a difference to my size?? I'm currently 16st.

Any advice on the above would be most most appreciated!!

Lots of love,

Annaphylactic x x x x
One of the best, most inarguable excuses is a tooth ache, and say you had some soup before the event so regretfuly you have to pass. You are obviously taking pain pills for the tooth, so you can't drink.

THen enjoy yourself watching everyone get drunk!! ANd you will be able to remember what they did!! :D