Help, willpower tested to the limit!

Sounds like a good idea. Let me know what you think of it when you have tried it please as I may just try that myself.
Cheers lol
Sounds like a good idea. Let me know what you think of it when you have tried it please as I may just try that myself.
Cheers lol

Ok will order should arrive tomorrow, I can't wait!!
Babycake.......................chuck in some !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for variety??????????????????? ;o@$&(*&$₩¥£¤>€◀○●▶▼↓◇←■→♧☆♣★↑↓ &^/
LOL @ Daisy! She needs no encouragement from you :D
............................................................I'm back ...............................................................................
Think I must be lucky I have no sense of smell. Cannot smell anything at all.

I seem to enjoy cooking fit my OH and 16 yr old son more than ever now. I keep making them really healthy good food from scratch with lots of ingredients lol. I seem to get a huge pleasure from them enjoying it

Maybe I have become a feeder now lol
I'm good. I had my second day back at work yesterday of my slow phased return (been off for 2 lots of ten weeks with anxiety with a 6 week at work between). My mood is very good and I'm not sweating the small stuff like I have for years. I think the omega 3, 6 and 9 I've been taking whilst doing this is tremondous.

In other news, today is the first day I have felt 'slimmer' which is added encouragement.

How about you?

And you wobbly tum?
me babe ... I'm finding out first hand how vile Citric Acid is!!!! cleaning the water lines at work and OMG it stinks.... Why the hell have i been putting it in my body all these years in diet drinks!!!

other then that pretty blue actually. No real idea why just blue!!! and not in a Man city kind of way lol.

Glad your enjoying your 'easing back in day' after your little scare (giggleing fit, must compose myself). what else you got planned?

WT.........WT..........WT......... Where are you?

I'm here, struggling a bit today :-( to stop me eating the kids snacks I've had my lemon bar early :-( I normally have watching tv at night but I needed it earlier.
Citric acid hey? Yuck! I'm not a fizzy drink kinda person really, diet or full fat so its never bothered me.
Will catch up better when the kids have gone (should be working!) But hope you're both ok. And everyone else! x
Blue huh, that sucks. Hope you blow the blue away soon deary. I miss not being able to drink diet lemonade (I hate sparkling water so that is no use sadly). But I will try to remember your wise words if I'm ever tempted.... I have no plans really. No work until next Tuesday so I need something to do... perhaps I should crack on with the baby blanket I have promised to crochet for my friend....

I don't know how you keep your sanity with all those children in your house WT. I would go potty (pun intended) haha

*wonders if we should set up a joint diary*
Blue huh, that sucks. Hope you blow the blue away soon deary. I miss not being able to drink diet lemonade (I hate sparkling water so that is no use sadly). But I will try to remember your wise words if I'm ever tempted.... I have no plans really. No work until next Tuesday so I need something to do... perhaps I should crack on with the baby blanket I have promised to crochet for my friend....

I don't know how you keep your sanity with all those children in your house WT. I would go potty (pun intended) haha

*wonders if we should set up a joint diary*

Cheering up nicely now. Snuggled up in bed with number 3 ( he's crabby and poorly) and watching embarrassing fat bodies from last night! OMG did you see the guy who lost his 28 stone buy riding his bike!!! Omg what am I gonna do about my excess skin??? ( when I get there hopefully)


Joint diary ummmm let me think about that ummmm, ( scratching both her head and chin at the same time!!! )
I survived by eating before. Over the last 9 days I seem to have some kind of chill pill thing going on and hoping it lasts!
Joint diary would be good for our ramblings and banter :)
I survived by eating before. Over the last 9 days I seem to have some kind of chill pill thing going on and hoping it lasts!
Joint diary would be good for our ramblings and banter :)

Ooooo what did you eat?? I gave my self hiccups scanning my huge plate of veg!!! Laying off the garlic for a few days though as peeps at work say its like it's coming out of my skin!!!

Are any of you tracking on the slim and save client space??? It's got a ketosis guide.........I'm constantly in deep ketosis according to it...... Is that bad? Should I be aiming for good ketosis instead ( would mean a little more carb).

Back to blue this morning. OH nicked all the covers last night. I kept waking up to steal them back. So one very very grumpy BBK today. It will take at least an hour till anyone can speak to me!! It's usually only 20 mins lol!!! I am so not a morning person.... My kids are just like me to some days OH has a breakdown we're that bad. A grunt is the only form of communication............

I also noticed last night that SnS have their own forum on their web site. Might take a look at that over the weekend (oh on nights blur!! ) I hate nights I can't sleep, hear every noise in the house but still have to get up and work, look after the kids ect while OH sleeps!!! Wen does e ever do that for me??

Stop it BbK it's time to woman up and get your fat ass out of bed!!!
Hmmm, you oh would not be treathe timed nearly as well in this house lol.

I am having the mother of all blonde days. I've just arrived at 2's school to pick him up and realised I'm 30 mins early! What a tw*t!
I'm day 5 and stayed In bed all day today literally not long up. Which is not like me :( and plus came on my period last night which is again not like me! Anyway I just really want food :( I've had a bar and am having a big coffee with a shake in! But just want 'real' food don't even know what just anything :( any suggestions?? Please? X
First get a glass of water.
Then think about why you are doing this.
Then think about all the people who think you can't do this. (Im so bloody minded that it spurs me on!)
I'm on my phone so can't see your stats but do you have a lot if weight to lose?
Number 1 has been well behaved for 2 days but OH has had a slanging match on Facebook with the other boys stepmum! We are now all blocked on face book and the sane rational sorting it out to save our (the parents friendship) seems to be gone. I'm trying desperately to get in touch with the dad but I wouldn't be surprised if the woman involved is deleting my messages so he doesn't know whats happened today!!! That motorway bridge is looking very nice about now !! So's that big bar of chocolate winking from the fridge.........I'm sure it's knocking on the door to get no its calling me by name...........I must's so hard!!!!!