
Silver Member
I've been doing JUDDD for almost 2 weeks.
I lost 2.5lb after my first DD but since then I've lost nothing.

Any tips?
I've followed it from what it says on the website. Or if there is another thread with the same question, can you direct me? Thank you so much :) xxxxx
Samjay, have you being doing alternate ups and downs? Weight loss on JUDDD is around a pound per week and you don't have a lot left to lose going by your stats, so honestly you are on target
I'm having the same problem? Do you exercise? I know I don't overeat on UDs.. and exercise a lot, stick just below my cals on a DD too but haven't lost in weeks...
Yes I've been doing

Mon DD
Tues UD
Wed DD
Thurs UD
Fri DD
Sat UD
Sun UD

And exercising a few times a week.
I really love this diet but it doesn't seem to be working as I lost the day after my first dd but nothing since then, worried that if I leave it a few more weeks that I still won't lose any more.
Sorry I haven't updated my stats as haven't been on here in so long.
I'm now 10st 4(possibly a little more after up day yesterday) and want to get to 9 still.
Thank you for your advise. xxx
The only thing I can suggest is to watch both DD and UD cals, I know myself if I don't watch the UP's I don't lose, it's that simple unfortunately.

From what I have read on other sites it's also a good idea to make sure you are incorporating at least a 16 hour fast, so if you stop eating on your UD at 9pm don't have any calories at all until 16 hours later on your DD, this will make sure you've got into fat burning mode and hopefully should keep you there. Also might be an idea to cut out the double UPS until you start seeing some losses.
Well I know that I lose having breakfast & dinner on DD plus gym fuel ... But looking back on mfp I have noticed I didn't eat a lot on UDs even back in the summer I was max eating 1500 so maybe my efforts to eat more have been in vain! So gonna try that this week and see how it works out