Here we go......Just started

You could aways grate the normal cheese as when it is grated it goes a lot further so you dont need as much. I think that is what I will be doing from now on, it tastes much better.

So are you doing this on your own then with out going to ww and getting weighed? When did you start and how much do you want to lose?
Hi i started last week but i was feeling hungry so i came of and was eating so it went flop but im thinking of going to a ww meeting as i will be more determined finding it hard on my own. I have got between 6 and 7 stone to lose a long journey infront of me.

Do you go to ww meetings how much have you to lose
I went to my first ww meeting last monday.

I find that if I know someone is going to be weighing me then I try harder but I cant do it by myself as I tend to find myself going off of the rails quite a few times, just knowing that someon else is going to be weighing me gives me the kick up the bum that I need.

I stayed for the actual meeting last week as they like you to stay on your first time but when I get weighed tomorrow I will not be staying for the meetings. I just hope I have lost some or else LOL.

I have just under 3 stone to lose so if you only started last week perhaps we can keep each other going! I find it helps if you have others to spir you on!
Hi i am seriously thinking about joining a meeting which like you say its so easy to just break it .
What books did you get when you join has it changed much when i go i will be going in on my own which is not very nice but if you want to lose weight you have it to do.Yes thats a good idea but i would sooner wait while i do join a meeting
Or i might give it another go on my own while i do join a meeting
Does the ww leader explains things about the diet to you does she ring you up atall to see how you are doing
The books have not changed that much but now it is called switch as there is two different diets to chose from, one is the point and the other is an eat as much as you like call the core diet. You can do whichever one you like but you have to stick to it for 7 days and then you can change to the other one if you want to.

I walked into the meeting, I went to on my own it was a bit daunting at first with everyone turning to look at you, but at the end of the day you are all there for the same reason or you would not be there at all.

The leader is very helpful and takes you through everything and answers any questions that you might have at the end of you first meeting. The leader does not ring you up but we have got her number and can ring her text her at anytime that we want to and if she does not answer she will get back to you as soon as she can.
Hiy im seriously think of going to a ww meeting i will be doing the points system dont think i could handle the core. When you walk into a meeting on your own people will look round at you yes you are there for the same reason as others its nice when the leader is nice and trys to help you what day is your meeting the one i will be going to is on a wed night