Here's to getting the old me back!

Well, yesterday was a bit of an anticlimax as my boss was travelling and isn't back until this afternoon. I told my direct reports though, and they were LOVELY about it, which is a relief. I was a bit worried about how they'd take it. My boss wants to see me this afternoon - not looking forward to it!

HR called me up yesterday and cross-examined me about why I'm leaving and offered to find me another role if I would stay :eek:. I can't see that there would be anything that would compare though...

Wish me luck for the afternoon. Until I've had the conversation I can't confirm my start date with my new company!
Yeh best of luck spangly Hun!
Sexy xx
Exciting times. Good luck hope all went well x
Well Hun xx

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My boss was so lovely yesterday. What a relief! He hasn't made a formal announcement yet but the news is starting to creep out (as these things do). Exciting!

Just been to the gym and am totally buzzing. Crikey it feels different going to the gym at this weight - so much nicer! had a bit of a "moment" on the leg press machine when I thought "ooh that's a bit heavy" and realised I was lifting almost all the weight I've lost overall! brought it home to me how far I have come. I am so so so glad I took the plunge and did LL!!
Lovely to hear good news xx

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great news x
WHOOP WHOOP!! Congratulations!! Just been catching up on your diary and it was like reading a book as I had to move to a new page to see the "I GOT IT"!! Congrats on your dress too ;) Well done xxxxxx

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Been a bit low the past few days: TOTM :sigh:. Everything is going right for me, but I've been feeling awful, really down and bloated and grumpy and miserable. Even had a few biscuits last night (!). Only a handful though - so nothing to get stressed over, especially seeing as I seem to be maintaining pretty well of late (famous last words). Feeling a little bit better today. I hope I'm through the worst!

Oh and nothing's been announced officially at work so I feel like I'm in limbo, as some people know and some people know but are pretending they don't and some actually don't know. ("Known knowns" anyone?!)

Very excited about the new job, although it seems a long way off. I am working my notice - all eight weeks of it. Sigh. (Not as bad as my last job though, which was three months! :eek:) Hope you don't mind if I don't post the job title etc here as it's a public forum. Suffice it to say it's exactly right for me, which is the main thing! ;)

Not much else to report. Had a tummy bug late last week so couldn't go to my Aunt's 80th birthday party, which was a shame and didn't help my mood!
Sorry to hear you are feeling low i expect there are lots of emotions going on in your head about changing jobs .I find its an exciting but scary feeling facing new challenges and leavving security behind. You have done so well with your weight loss you are an inspiration to me to keep focussed.
Good luck with your new job and hope you are feeling better soon.
Hi Spangly,
I guessed it might be something like that as you've been quiet for a few days.
The limbo feeling with the job feels like a bit of a let down
after being offered the job doesn't it, especially when you don't know who knows and everyone isn't sure whether they should say anything or not. 8weeks is a long time and that's when you start to think "can I do it? Why did they pick me? Why didn't I just stay here where I know everyone and everything? Am I biting off more than I can chew?"
"Why did I go for it when I have so much else going on outside work too?"
Don't forget - YOU applied. YOU got it. They chose YOU.
YOU have what they want - knowledge, experience, right type of person.
They recognise and value your strengths. You must too.

There's always that time when you do start a new job when you wonder why you didn't stay in your comfort zone; Your head feels like spaghetti. You seem as though you'll take ages to get into it, you feel as though you are not earning your salary.

Remember you felt ready to face the challenge. You can and will get there hun.
Have faith in yourself.
Ooops - I sound like an Employment Adviser.....................!!!!

Sorry you aren't feeling 100%. Things can only get better. xx
Well, feeling quite low tonight. Hubby's almost completely lost the use of his legs. He wouldn't let me put him to bed downstairs - insisted on struggling up the stairs. He sort of pulled himself up with his arms, his legs dangling uselessly behind him. It was dreadful to watch. He's so brave, and the MS is so awful. I hate it. He's feeling terribly low too - and usually he manages to force himself to be optimistic (I'm not sure how!). His continence problems are getting worse and it's (understandably) really getting him down.

We're both hoping he has a mild bug or something and that tomorrow, after a good night's sleep, he feels much better.

I'm scared though. And tired. What if he needs me and I have to give up work? Where will we live if I can't pay the mortgage anymore?
Oh honey. Difficult times. Being cared for and being the carer is one of the haradest things to manage. Do you have any input from a social worker ? Could be useful to plan future care packages. Direct payments can be very useful as a way of maintaining employment.

Hopefully this bad patch will lessen and pass. Thinking of you x
Oh my word, I am so sorry that you are both having to deal with this. I don't have any words of advise or anything wise to say but just want to say that I hope that, as you say, yesterday was a bad day. Keep strong and sending big hugs your way xxxxxx
How are things with you sunshine? Hanging on in there I hope xx
Well, not been the best of times lately. Nothing major - we're still ticking along one way and another - but I've been quite low and didn't feel like posting.

We went to the driving assessment place yesterday so hubby could try out hand controls for the car. His legs are slightly better one day then worse the next, so he hasn't been able to drive for ages now, which is getting him down. His continence problems have got worse too. We've been waiting for his surgical referral for a bladder operation, which has finally come through. He self- catheterises at the moment but it isn't working properly so we hope the surgery will help as we just can't got anywhere unless there are loads of disabled loos nearby.

Me? Well, my joint pain has got so bad I went back to the Dr. Had loads of blood tests but apparently all normal. Going to see the Dr this morning to discuss as I'm really low - it's very debilitating and I assure you not all in my head!

To cap it all I went to a pop in this week and have gained FOUR KILOS?!!!! Just don't understand it as I really haven't been going mad. Must just be eating too much! Sigh.

Anyway. That's me for now. Hopefully will be more positive again soon. Counting the days til I start my new job, which at least is something positive/exciting on the horizon!