Hev & Bev's 12 week countdown to target- Everyone welcome!!!

Hey! don't knock it! - some of us would do it just for a loss:p
You might !! But I'm still waiting for the boxer shorts pic !
Well done on all these famtastic losses! I'm just not feeling it this week, my WI is weds nite and ive stuck to plan with syns to spare, but im feeling fat and bloated, and really low :0(

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:happy096: :wee: :woohoo:
Well done Ninins on the 1.5 lb loss to take you into the Century Club.

Well done girl - that is one massive achievement.
Well done Ninnins! A fabulous achievement!

2lbs off for me today. Only 1.5lbs to go - yeeha!
Way to go Zoe - sure you don't want to lower your target?

How are you keeping the weight loss up when you are SOOO close to target?
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Way to go Zoe - sure you don't want to lower your target?

How are you keeping the weight loss up when you are SOOO close to target?

Hi Pommette, once I reach target I'm going to maintain that weight for a while and see how I feel. I picked 9st 7 as I was that weight for years and found it easy to maintain. I could go lower but worry that I won't be able to maintain it in the long run. With sw 3lbs either side of target is allowable which means I could go down to 9st 4, which might be low enough for me. Re the losses, I'm being quite strict with myself - well that's the plan - it doesn't always work out like that lol!
Well done on the losses!

Sorry you feel blah vitology :-( peppermint tea and a nice long walk in the sun? Many people have said on here that even when they feel bloated they have still lost, so don't despair! You are doing so well and are still here. Keep on!! Xx
Woodland girl said:
Well done on the losses!

Sorry you feel blah vitology :-( peppermint tea and a nice long walk in the sun? Many people have said on here that even when they feel bloated they have still lost, so don't despair! You are doing so well and are still here. Keep on!! Xx

Thank u wg, will grab some peppermint tea on way to work and x my fingers!! :0) xx

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Well done Ninnins and Zoe!! Great losses! Bravo!! Zoe you are excitingly close now!!! Party time when you reach T!! Vitology, sorry you've lost your mojo this week, but just ride it out! We all have weeks like this and it's important to be able to take the rough with the smooth in this game and we ALWAYS come out the other end! Just try your best to keep on track and even if you do have a gain or STS this week (which you may not!) you can still get a great loss next week, or the week after! If I judged my weight losses on just one week I would have given up a very long time ago!!XXXXXXXXXX
Not likely hehe! Hi Maximus, no smut please! We're all very ladylike here! X

Hi Heather - I'm very well behaved - a right proper gent in fact.

You might !! But I'm still waiting for the boxer shorts pic !

Can't vouch for the mind of your partner in crime though;)

Good luck to me too girlies - my first WI for 2 weeks after a 4lb gain last time put me right on the top edge of target:eek:
Good luck Minimus!
I lost 7lb :eek:

Now I've gone 1lb below my limit - Grrr! means I have to either gain 1lb next week, or start paying again.

What a topsy-turvy world;)
Maximus said:
I lost 7lb :eek:

Now I've gone 1lb below my limit - Grrr! means I have to either gain 1lb next week, or start paying again.

What a topsy-turvy world;)

Maximus that's fantastic! More than makes up for the gain last week! Can't you lower your limit? Or are you happy and just right as you are? Bravo! X
I lost 7lb :eek:

Now I've gone 1lb below my limit - Grrr! means I have to either gain 1lb next week, or start paying again.

What a topsy-turvy world;)
I "liked" this - as I certainly agree it's a topsy turvy world!!! Also, I'm blown away by the fact that you can lose 7 lbs in a couple of weeks when you're at target.
I'll pop over to your diary and leave a comment there! Well done though - you are certainly showing us how to do it.

You are not getting our SoTW prize though! That's reserved for one of us girlies.
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STS this week, but not too gutted as have only really done the plan two days this week. Hoping for a 2lbs loss by next Thursday :D

Gembear - STS is pretty good if you haven't been 100% all week.
Good luck for next week - 2lbs is really doable if you stick to plan.
Ditto to what Bev said! STS is often a great result when one hasn't been on plan all week as it doesn't give us that going in the wrong direction feeling! I'm sure you can get that 2lb next week! XxX