Hi again


Full Member
Hi peeps Ive been away awhile but I've sorted out my issues and cant wait to start. Tomorrow is my first day on SS which i intend to do for 12 weeks without doing add a meal so I understand we have to drink SSkimmed milk if taking this route. How many pints do we drink aday?
I have tried hypnosis but unfortunatley it didnt work for me so I am determind this is going to work this time round. I can honestly say that I have not enjoyed any food since I feel off the SS wagon I've become spotty, tired and altogether fed up and my size 16 that I could get into are becomeing harder to do up so before I get back into my size 20's I'm starting again. the sun has just come out which has made me more determind to see this through. I know that day 4 is my hardest day going by past efforts so know doubt i will be boreing you all silly.
Anyway enough of my dribble I'll let you all know how its all going soon enough I'm not looking forward to tomorrow as i have to find out how much weight I have put on.
Good luck!! You CAN and you WILL do it! Keep us updated on your progress :)