Hi there!

I know what you mean. I have gone passed the 3 stones point and finally feel that I may actually succeed. I have been on so many diets before that I got to the stage when I didn't really believe that I would get to goal. It just seems to be working and I think that my head is finally catching up. I'm actually starting to make a plan for maintenance - not something which ever crossed my mind before. It's all a bit weird for me!
A plan? for maintenance? AAARRRGGHHH I hadnt even thought of that... i'll just stay on SS its nice
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A plan? for maintenance? AAARRRGGHHH I hadnt even thought of that... i'll just stay on SS its nice

Haha...if you do that you'll disappear down the cracks in the pavement...! ;)
So good news of the day coming up. I've been on blood pressure medication for years, but it just wasnt working really. Before starting this diet my blood pressure was at 160/100 and my doctor was talking about endlessly increasing the medication to try to bring it under control as I ws in danger of a stroke.
After 9 weeks on this diet, and for the first time in forever, my blood pressure is now a perfectly healthy 110/70 and we are discussing coming off the medication.
That's amazing - it's actually on the low side. It's easy to forget the health benefits - you've probably added another 10 years to your life... I think I'll get my monitor out...
So good news of the day coming up. I've been on blood pressure medication for years, but it just wasnt working really. Before starting this diet my blood pressure was at 160/100 and my doctor was talking about endlessly increasing the medication to try to bring it under control as I ws in danger of a stroke.
After 9 weeks on this diet, and for the first time in forever, my blood pressure is now a perfectly healthy 110/70 and we are discussing coming off the medication.

OMG that's great!!! Your doctor must be really pleased, as must you - just think of how much healthier you are! Wonderful result and very inspiring!!
Hi everybody!! I'm back!!

Ok folks, my conference is finished and my birthday is done. Ive been off SS for 3 days and that's long enough of a break! I had a shake last night before bed to mark my return to SS and realised that I have really missed it! How crazy is that?

Whilst at the conference I won a bottle of vintage champagne so yay! That bottle is now going to sit and wait for the day my goal is reached, which I have now set as a waist size rather than a weight. I've bought a very expensive and really nice pair of designer jeans at 34" waist and being able to slip those easily on is now my target!

Its one of those goals that seemed impossible 2 months ago when I was having to search outsize shops and squeeze into 48" waist, but since the end of feb I've already reduced that by 8 inches so now I think that 34" (which I was last at in 1994) is actually achievable so that's where I'm heading! Wish me luck!
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Good luck! For sure you can do it and you'll look & feel fabulous in your 34" jeans! Woo hoo!
Wow this thread makes some amazing reading! Well done so far!!

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Hi there, welcome and thank you!

Had some reservations today about my new target, after checking with the guys in the office about their waist sizes and finding them to be 36 and 38, the idea of me getting down to 34 and going from the giant of a man that i was to being the slimmest in the office suddenly seems ridiculously unlikey. Perhaps with that target i bit off more than i can chew...not that i can chew anygthing as I'm on SS lol

edited to add: just got back from the gym where i was pondering my dilemna above during my workout. I suddenly realised that as my own waist size is now 38... the other guys in the office are not much slimmer than me now so theres no reason at all why I shouldnt keep heading for my goal. I'm just so used to being enormously bigger than everyone else that I was still thinking that way! Isnt the psycology of rapid weight loss tricky!
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Mikey - I would just get to goal and then see how you feel. I am forever looking at My Body Gallery where women post pictures showing weight and height. They are all a lot heavier than they look. I think I've got used to being the big one and just see everyone as slim when in fact a lot of them could do with losing a few pounds! you'll end up being one of the slimmer blokes at work and someone else will be looking at you enviously!
What ever you decide, what a glorious dilemma to be in! :-D i'd just like to get past the first week in one price, what a way you've came.

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minx said:
What ever you decide, what a glorious dilemma to be in! :-D i'd just like to get past the first week in one price, what a way you've came.

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Oh once you've done the first week it's easy, once you are in ketosis you stop being hungry and you have more energy than you know what to do with. And that first weeks loss is a real motivator!
Day 2 and I think that lovely hallowed state is here already, woke up full of beans, freezing hands, dry thirsty mouth and Im not hungry, woo! All the chasing after my 4 yr old and 1yr old twins yesterday mustve sapped my glycogen, get in! now i need to remember this lovely flat tummy feeling when i feel tempted by smells. Do you think i could get away with wearing a nose peg for the next 6 weeks? :-D

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Well I reckon you might start a new trend lol. If it works let me know tho, or even cotton wool up my nose, don't mind which lol x
dragondrop said:
Well I reckon you might start a new trend lol. If it works let me know tho, or even cotton wool up my nose, don't mind which lol x

Mikey I just read your post and I know how you feel, but look at what you've already achieved and you'll be there in no time. Fair play to you, you have done absolutely fantastic and I bet you'll get a few people in your office jealous x
Latest weigh in done, another 3lb down for a total of 3st 12 lb.
That covers 2 weeks, one of which was my week off the diet so I'm ok with that!
Just want a big one th next week :)
Way to go Mikey!!! Another 3lbs bites the dust! :)