

Hello lovely ladies i just stumbled across this site after googleing weight loss forums UK and i'm very pleased i chose this forum! Had a quick nosy round and all looks good and very motivational.

I was previously a member of Boots Change One Thing back in 2008 (no idea why they didnt run it again as it was so popular) and found that on line support and being able to talk to like minded people was a great help. I lost over 1.5 stone back then but unfortunately its all crept back on.

I look forward to starting all over again tomorrow (Monday 4th Jan) and chatting with you all soon.

Lots of love

(I wanna be a Temptress)

J xx
Thanks Irene, well I'm doing a detox this week consisting of very clean diet (to get rid of all the christmas crap) and then i'll be following a low fat low cal diet or atkins but not sure if i could cut all carbs out altogether. Will decide next week and just take one step at a time x
Hello Temptress,

Welcome and good luck to losing the weight, we are all in the same boat so if you need any help or advice just ask and we will be more than pleased to help. :wavey:
or atkins but not sure if i could cut all carbs out altogether.

You know that atkins doesn't cut out carbs completely? Just restricts them to a certain level :)