Hobbies to pass the s&s time

I've just dug my DS out, passed the afternoon without even thinking of food!
I make glass lampwork beads! It's just about the most absorbing hobby I've ever tried, and it keeps me out of mischief for hours at a time. If you haven't a clue what they are, here's a link to my stuff: Alchemy Lampwork von AlchemyLampworkUK auf Etsy (no idea why that link is coming out in German!!)
I love card making really relaxing but addictive
I'm in my final year at uni and went back yesterday so I have study to keep me occupied in the evenings. Have a look in your local paper or local college, they may have free night classes. Keeps you busy and you get something from it.

My other one is cross stitch or any other type of stitching. Certainly keeps fingers away from the snacks!
I ♡♥♡ to crochet so I'm normally found either on here or Ravelry (or hooking of course). Given up on f.book as it does my head in!
I have started knitting again. Every one is getting a frilly loopy scarf
Don't know what rav is?
www.ravelry.com is A.MAZ.ING. It has thousands of free patterns and you can see photos of what others have made from the patterns. You can have a project page and look at what friends are working on. It's my favourite website. I'll try and add a link to loopy scarves....
Thanks the site sounds great
As is the Hay Day game on the iphone. My family laugh at me whilst I play this game because I fall asleep with the phone in my hand and my finger on the screen!