Honk If You Were 100% Today!

Honk for day 9 :)
Good on yer Lolapink!
Honk. Despite being surrounded by food all flipping day. Very proud of myself!
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HONK for day 10.
Good luck lolapink x
Honk day 49 x
Don't know where I got the strength from but - HONK - despite going to a business networking meeting tonight and sipping water while everyone else got stuck into the delicious buffet. And it was St. David's day today which in Wales means having Welsh cakes thrust at you constantly and I love them. They are totally delicious.
Honk for day 50 :) x
Honk day 11 :)
Honk for 60 whole days at 100!!! :)

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Honk. Jewel, I am SO impressed by that! :superwoman:
Honk ;)
Honk for day 51 and still going strong :) x
Honk x 56 @ 100 % Yeay!
Hehe, thanks Jessie! :)
Here's to another HONK!!!

Well done everyone x

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