Hoping This Time I'll Succeed


Hi all.

I'm new to MiniMins today. I'm hoping to get inspiration and motivation to finally lose the weight for good and also support others on their journey if I can.

I've mainly done Slimming World. I've joined and left more times than I can remember, mainly because I'm a bit of a perfectionist and couldn't bear seeing a gain written in my book following a bad week. I now know I have to embrace that that's life and there will forever be ups and downs.

Slimming World has generally worked for me but over the last few weeks, despite the best of intentions, every day has been 'I'll start tomorrow'. That has to end so I'm hoping by posting here it will motivate me to get started and keep going. I currently have 6 stones to lose to get to a medically healthy weight.

So here goes. This time next week I should be a few pounds lighter x
How has it gone since Monday? Ok I hope for you
Hi Nanny Doreen. It's been terrible lol! I've had a really bad week full of distractions. We've had a weekend away from home full of takeaways and two weekdays out with the kids which wasn't good for a first week. It doesn't take much for me to lose willpower.

I've changed my weigh day to a Monday and I have a weekly food chart that I'm going to fill in.

New start today! Luckily my weight has maintained which is good. No plans for this week so no excuses to not be on it 100%

Here we go again. Fingers crossed :)
Weigh day changed back to Wednesday as I'm rejoining Slimming World tomorrow. Hoping that will give me the motivation and focus I need :)
Thankyou Sara1986blue, I hope so. Just sick of looking back and saying 'if I'd stuck with it I'd be this weight by now'. Really want to lose this weight once and for all :)
I am the same as you..But I am determined to stick to this now ..I started last Monday weigh in was yesterday and I lost 5 pounds in 6 days ..Hope to get my half stone certificate next Monday.Keep your mind focus I am sure you will do just fine 😀good luck.x
Thankyou for the support. Wow, what a fantastic result you've had! Well done. I look forward to seeing your progress, I'm sure you'll do really well :) x
Brilliant results Sara! Keeps us all motivated!
Jahalia you're moving in the right direction that's what matters :D so don't dwell on what ifs and just keep looking forward and you'll reach your goals in no time!
Thanks Aliakaraza1. i do dwell on past failures far too much so hopefully I can stop doing that now and move forward. I love this site for the support everyone offers, wish I'd discovered it a long time ago :)
Yes it can get a little quiet at times, but I'm trying to give back to the community & it helps motivate me too when I read how well others are doing :D together one pound at a time, we can all get healthy! & oh yeah buy nicer clothes too! Haha
Feeling really motivated this morning and looking forward to my Slimming World meeting. I can really do it this time I'm sure. Going shopping later to stock up in SW friendly food so I've got no more excuses.

I have almost three weeks until the start of Ramadan. My aim is to be able to have a nice outfit that I feel good in for Eid and not just making do with a last minute shop at Bon Marche as usual. Not sure how fasting will affect my weight loss and I don't expect miracles but I think it's a good interim goal to aim for :)
Haha as if you're goal is almost the same as mine! I too am looking forward to getting a nice outfit for eid, I do have my eye on something but it requires me to. Lose 2 stone before then.... :/ lol but I'm remaining optimistic and will try my best! And yesss Ramadan is difficult with all the lovely cooking BUT I'm going to take full advantage of fasting and hopefully it'll help me. Lose the weight.... I turn 31 on 18th May so will be careful not to overdo it lol, but here's to getting nice clothes for eid!! :D