Discover Hoping to become a slim bridesmaid! :)

yahoo well done that's amazing and so worth it xx
I know, delighted as i usually lose small. All my Christmas weight gone so I've set the slate clean now. Hopefully will give me a boost now to stick to fitcamp for the next 4 weeks! :)
Still over the moon with my loss this week. I'm also feeling great (well, apart from the fact that TOTM decided to arrive this morn so I'm quite bloated & heavy). My appetite has really decreased & have zero cravings for caffeine/sugar at the mo (very unusual for me!). Was in college all day today & managed to stick to 3 meals without snacking and wasn't hungry.

Wednesday 9th Jan:

Hot muesli with blueberries & grated apple


Chicken, mango & quinoa salad


Turkey lettuce wraps

Even though I'm still really nervous about starting fitcamp on Monday, I'm now really excited about the results!!! :)
Feeling a bit stressed this evening, as my workload for this month is just getting a bit crazy. It seems like for every one task I cross off my to do list, I have another 10 to replace it!! The fitcamp classes that I'm going to are going to require a huge investment of time over the next few weeks, and I'm just not sure that it was a wise thing to do given that I have so much college stuff that I need to do too. I made a decision at the time though to prioritise my health & weight over college for January, so I'm just going to have to do my best to fit college & everything else around it!! Looking forward to the fitcamp itself! :) Hope I feel a bit less stressed tomorrow.
Thursday Jan 10th:

Banana omelette (a little apprehensive about this recipe but gonna give it a shot)

Chicken, quinoa & mango salad (don't have time to go through the book & find new recipes)

Shepherds pie made with sweet potato; lettuce
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Well, this eating only 3 meals a day thing is a total revelation to me. My tummy seems to have completely adapted to it & I'm not even hungry throughout the day anymore. Had my breakfast this morning at 9ish, lunch at 230ish & then didn't eat again until my dinner at around 8. I've always been a huge snacker and had lots of problems in the past with feeling weak/faint/sick if I go long periods of time without eating (sometimes after only a few hrs). I've just realised though, that's probably because I've usually had a ridiculous amount of sugar in my diet, so my blood sugars were probably all over the place. I do feel like I have a bit more energy too, which is always good! :) As well as that, I LOVED the banana omelette I had for breakfast!!

Going to London tomorrow for the weekend with my sister, so won't be tracking for the weekend. I'm going to have healthy breakfast & lunch before I leave tomorrow, bring some healthy breakfast stuffs in case I get stuck over there, and then just go for the best options I can find for my other meals over there. I will definitely be having a few drinks! Although I'm not looking forward to trying on dresses, I can't wait for the weekend! :)
In London now, just on the train in from the airport. Heathy eating going well so far. Had a banana omelette again for breakfast and I have a ham & lettuce sandwich with me for lunch. Had half on the plane and going to have the other half when I get to the hotel so that hopefully I won't be too hungry then until we go out for dinner tonight.
banana omelette?!?!? x
That's what I thought but it was actually so tasty. Used a tsp of coconut oil, sliced the banana and fried it a little, then pour in the eggs. I loved it so much I had it two morns in a row. There's meant to be cinnamon on top too but I hate cinnamon.
I might try That just to see xx
Had a lovely weekend. Got my bridesmaid dress. Definitely need to lose a good bit of weight between now & then to feel comfortable in it, but I'm confident that I can do that. Starting fitcamp tomorrow, equally excited & nervous!!
eeeek good luck. I'm desp to do exercise but it's too Cold outside and I cannot afford a gym membership at the mo so I'm abit stuck till I move x
Thanks hun. Really nervous that I won't be able to keep up, or will get sick or something. Just looking forward to having the first session over with, as I hate not knowing what to expect! I hear you about gym membership, they're so expensive. I'm sure once you get moved & settled you can get back into exercise x
well you don't have to push yourself to the limit just go nice on your first one to get into it.

ah it's mega. Craig is a bodybuilder and it would be unfair for him to give up for me so I'll sacrifice my body haha. I'll be able to walk Bella in 2 weeks so that will get me out. I wanted to start jogging but I'm scared lol x
First class done & dusted...phew!!! :) It didn't go great but didn't go awful. I was the only one in the class who hadn't been to any of their exercise classes before, so I felt like quite an outsider. I also find it really hard to be coordinated when it comes to circuits, so I was trying to keep up the whole class and felt a bit silly. In our warm up, my runners caught against the rubber floor and I fell spectacularly and grazed my knee....was mortified!!! The guy doing the class was lovely though and could obviously tell I was totally out of my comfort zone so he was really good at correcting me and helping me when I was doing things wrong. Things can only pick up from here, right? :)
My fitcamp is going well. Only 2 days but loving the food and have no cravings at the moment for anything other than the 3 meals I'm allowed. Have my second exercise session tomorrow morning, so hopefully this time I don't fall!! Not sure if there's any point updating my diary at the moment since I'm not actually following weight watchers, but will keep it up for now.

Monday 14th:

Hot muesli with grated apple, seeds & berries

Chicken, mango & quinoa salad

Chilli con carne with salad

Tuesday 15th:

Banana omelette

Sweet potato & lentil soup

Chicken & spinach curry with salad
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