How Did You Become Fat?

Having a child for me... :cry: Oh well, I keep telling myself it could have been worse, and promised not to have another one :rolleyes:
I was a chubby teen but still only a size 12 or so when I was 16. I was a size 14 at 18 and pregnant at 20. When I was 21 I was a size 22 and now I'm 33 I'm a size 32.

I stayed at a size 20-22 for a long time but my comfort eating intensified after becoming involved with an alcoholic. Not to blame him but my eating definitely intensified being in such a stressful, codependant relationship and I put on nearly 10 stone in 5 years.

My psychologist says I eat to suppress needs and emotions, so am working on that and the whole food thing whilst starting slimming world again. Fingers crossed I'll be successful.
i got fat because of my habbits...before i used to eat alot of junk food and coke, but i was very fit because i used to work out and do cardio almost everyday. i would work out during the night with weights, pushups, generally build muscle. and in school i used to play football everyday, about 20 minutes for break, about 1 hour for lunch and another 40 ish minutes after school because m8's dad would come late to pick us up. i was very lean, i had very little fat on my body, and my abdominal muscles were visible on certain days lol...

now my diet hasnt changed, still alot of junk food and coca cola...but my exercise has completely stopped. all my mates have stopped playing football at uni so no cardio, and i dont have the motivation as much to work out with weights all the time (probably because i dont feel like needing to impress girls as much), also i now have a car which means i dont even walk anymore.

but im slowly getting back into it. people who meet me new dont think im fat, but my friends whove known me for a while tease about it daily lol, there are fatter people than me in my circle of friends, but i get teased about being fat the most lol, i dont mind it at all though...

but i have noticed i run out of breath really easily when i do walk or play sports now, i also have asthma, which doesnt help. its a shame, i can run quite fast, very fast infact, and i have quick feet when i play football, but i cant keep it up...

thing is its boring running around in an empty park, but if i knew some lads were playing football, i 100% would be there every day and i know id loose weight easily. but my friends are so lazy nowadays, i like tennis alot and i have to literally force my friend to come and play with me.
I have been big ever since i can remember, when i was 16 i literally starved myself down to a size 10 and lost about 3 stone in the process. I did this because i met a guy online who i really liked and i felt he would find me unattractive if i was over weight. I got together with him and we stayed in a relationship for 18 months..... during which time i only gained around 7lbs..... after this is have yoyo'd between 12st and 16st (my heaviest) depending on my relationship status. I tend to get into relationships and gain weight and then lose it when it ends. I have been with my current boyfriend for 3 years and am now at 15st 3lbs, i gained this due to the fact we eat out a lot and have several takeaways a week, he is very tall and slim and eats like a horse and i just followed suit, unfortunately i don't have his metabolism and ive gained weight. I really hope i can get the weight off and keep it off this time, I intend to marry this guy and have his children and i sure as S*** know i am not being 15st on my wedding day. I also want to have a healthy relationship with food before i have children as i wouldn't ever want them to pick up on my bad habits......
I got fat because when I was around 14-15 I came across a website (pro anorexic) online and looking at the girls I thought.. I don't look like them, I must be fat. So I followed their tips and tricks and got down from around a size 10 to a size 4/6. After I left school I went to a college outside the area and suddenly gained my appetite back, going from anorexic to bulimic pretty quickly, but in the process going up to a size 16 in about 2 years. I'm now completely recovered from all of that (kind of grew out of it) and my body after a few ups and downs seems to have settled at around a size 14, 13 and a half stone, 5"7.

It was all my own doing, but the problem I have which is settling out now is the fact of having eating problems for so long (like many of you) has completely messed up my metabolism !
Pregnancy. Both times. Also I find I struggle to lose weight much more than before kids, and my natural 'set point' seems to me a stone heavier than before kids. Still, it CAN be done, and will be.
I was thin as a teenager but I started having back trouble when I was 15 and then the weight piled on. I later diagnosed with arthritis in my spine so the pain of moving didn't do me any favours and also all the tablets I was on.

I am now on injections so no more tablets but I can't exercise like others and also get bored at night.

Thankfully I didn't put any weight on when I had my daughter 7 yrs ago I actually lost 1st!

Being without a job doesn't help either.
I cant ever remember being small. My family are big aswell and Ive grown up eating huge portions and all the wrong foods. This and hardly any exercise was not a good combination! I think as I went through my teens I just kept putting on more and more weight, Ive never lost any weight. Last year was particularly bad as I put on 2 stone. I left my job and suffered from a bout of depression.
I used to have a gorgeous hourglass figure, was the sports captain of my high school and then my college. Was known to have the smallest waist at high school...all girls high it was too!

Got married, had kids...5 kids later i am 3 stones more then i should be with a pear shaped figure :(.

After the 5th child though, thats when it got worse, especially as i was on the depo provera contraceptive injection. I gained weight really fast after that, even though i was going to the gym every day! I didn't have a period for the full 2.5 years i was on totally messed up my hormones. Because of my yoyo dieting over the years (at one point i was going to the gym every day and eating 800 cals a day!!!). I am now a non-diabetic hypoglycaemic which means my insulin mechanism fails to switch of causing low blood sugar levels. When I have a 'hypo' it's usually because i haven't eaten for more than 3 hours. I get the shakes, black out and i have been known to have a seizure with it. If it's really severe, i can go into a coma...thankfully i've never let it get to that stage!

So, try dieting AND having to eat something every 2.5/3 hours! I normally keep my snacks healthy i.e. fruit, health bars etc. but my hormones are messed up properly making it difficult to lose weight...but i'm still trying :eek:
unhappy childhood, one failed marriage (husband having affair)death of family member,lonliness, children leaving home, couldnt be bothered attitude, 2011 is my wake up call i needed.
Easy, eating too much, i am sure i could go through 8000 calories a day!!! i could easily eat 6 Croissants with added butter on it, 20 packets of crisps a day, 10 bars of chocolates, 6 toasts with butter and nutella, and the extra size meals at lunch time andin the evening. So when i hear women who cannot put on weight, i laugh, let me show you!!!
I've always been "big" though now looking back, I was not fat as a teenager, just bigger than my friends. I was in great shape back then, but still slightly overweight according to my BMI. Since then have put on weight, lost it/some, put on even more by basically just eating too much and exercising too little. The usual story, really. :)
4 children in 9 years and carb heavy meals...oh and too much cheese....
I've had food issues for as long as I can remember, and have been overweight for all of my adult life (and carried extra weight throughout my childhood). My father had a very judgey attitude to anyone with even slight weight issues, so some of it originates there, I suspect.
I've just read through all these replies and keep seeing familiar things, which is oddly reassuring I think :)
For me it's been periods of secretive binge eating since issues with bullying when I was around 13, but I did it before then as well and can't for the life of me think why. Maybe because it was something naughty that I wasn't allowed to do, there is definitely an adrenaline rush that comes with successfully hiding all the sweets and chocolate bars from the people around you...which sounds bad but it's true for me at least.
That and my mum, bless her, has admitted that she equates food with love so I have to try and get it across to her that I don't feel very loveable with all this extra weight hanging around!
Good luck all with whatever method you've chosen :)
Moved in with my boyfriend who works in a gym and basically can eat anything he wants - I definately cannot do this!

and the fact that I am addicted to Brie cheese and bread...
Having 2 children straight after each other. I've just piled on the weight through my pregnancies. I wouldn't change my babies for anything though :)
I enjoyed eating, i just loove my fooooood! my day simply wasnt complete without scoffing some junk food.. also because when i had nothing better to do i ate... i had too much free time..
As well, once i got fat i just ate even more, got fatter and felt bad so went on on/off diets which just led to binging everyday and everytime i would say im going to eat lovely stuff today and tommorow start my diet but never did... so this stupid decision to eat fully and then diet the next day will have definetly been the cause of my weight getting higher and higher. its so ridiculous too because it would have made more sense to just eat but have small portions and bit healthier food and i would probably not be as fat now but i think it was just make belief, an excuse to eat whatever i want without feeling bad because i thought il start a proper diet tommorow... yes im an idiot! a fat one too!