How do i stop binge eating??

I'm a binge eater, and I know it is my head that needs sorting not my fridge.
I feel so deeply ashamed of my eating, which is done in private.
I'm scared I won't ever be able to sort myself out.

Kellie, hun, you will and absolutely can do this! You've taken the hardest step in acknowledging you have a problem and have an awareness that this needs to change- what you need are the tools to help you raise your confidence and self-esteem, so you can break the cycle.

I started by googling binge eating/food addiction and suddenly realised that I wasn't alone and that it is something that can be changed. I've gone down the route of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy as this helps me to change the habits that I have developed. I chose a book/program that I felt I could connect with- this is personal, what works for me, might not work for anyone else, but the trick is to try it and see, and if it doesn't work the first time, try again.

You may feel powerless right now, but as soon as you determine to take that control, you'll feel empowered and relieved, I promise you xxx
You may feel powerless right now, but as soon as you determine to take that control, you'll feel empowered and relieved, I promise you xxx

Powerless is the right word I think to describe it. I said before that I recognise the description not that I had overcome it. The feelings of depression and disgust overwhelm anything else which seends you right back to the eating. It shard and I don't think people understand it at all.
I don't think it is something that people understand, unless they have felt it, like living with depression- people may say they're depressed, but those of us that have truly lived with depression in the medical sense have a true idea of how it feels, like living with an addiction. I guess that's why it can be so hard to convince GPs at time, that there's a real problem and it's simply not about 'eating healthily'. It's like someone that I read about who was a healthy weight, not bulimic, not putting on weight, but binging daily- her problem was not taken so seriously as the consequences did not appear physical. She struggled for years to find the right kind of help.

It is totally a vicious cycle- you feel, you eat, you hate yourself, you eat more to 'mask' the feeling or recreate the high you once experienced.

I guess I've learned now that I can have all the help and understanding in the world, but it isn't gonna make a difference if, somewhere along the line, I don't accept the responsibility of making a change myself. Not easy at all, seems impossible, but that one little change, just one tiny thing be it: 'today I will sit everytime I eat and be conscious of what I'm putting into my mouth' or 'Okay, I binged this evening, but I'm going to give myself credit for the things I HAVE done right today (and make a list)', that one little change you make begins to shift the balance from powerless to empowered.

The mistake(s) I have made up until now is trying to change everything and solve all my problems at once. I thought me being obese was the problem and that losing weight was the solution. 70 pounds off later I've now realised I have the same problems as when I began this journey- so is it the weight? No, it's my behaviour that led to that weight. This last month has been the hardest in my journey so far, because I'm making the most important change- the permanent one- and it begins with a baby step.
i wish you all the best in reaching you goal. I have taken too many baby steps.
OMG I need serious help, i'm so annoyed with myself. I was great at the start of last week, I knew there was a works lunch on Wednesday, so I thought for that day I would have the lunch (2 courses) and maybe a bit of cereal later at night. And I would still be within calories, So the lunch came and went...I ate so much that i was nearly physically sick until 9pm. But from the next day untill now I have binged on chocolate. I had been buying myself 2 bars a night (not too bad on the binge scale) but last night I ate one of my daughters easter eggs :cry::cry: I'm terrible...I know I can pick another one up, but I really couldn't resist, I ate it all apart from one of the small eggs that was with it. I also ate loads of biscuits I ate the egg in bed in secret...I dunno whats wrong with me...I think I have a chocolate addiction, even with crisps or any other food, I cant eat too much without feeling sick, but with chocolate I eat til its gone.

I lost 4 stone between January and August last year, and I never touched a piece of chocolate in that time. Now i'm doing my re-start (had a break from Aug til Jan 2010) and this time i've been allowing chocolate into my diet (as long as enough calories) but this isn't having a good effect, its like the chocoloate does something to my brain, and I cant stop.

So I've decided that I'm cutting out chocolate again, it worked for me last year, and look at the state im in this week with it. I'm definately better off without.

I had a conversation with a guy in my work (work in an office) he was eating a kit kat and we got into conversation about chocolate, I asked him if he feels like he wants more after he's finished it and he said no. I explained how chocolate makes me feel, I cant stop ect. He said he never knew that chocolate could be addictive, he thought it was only people kidding on when they say that. Why cant I be one of those people who is totally satisfied with one bit of chocolate?

I've just eaten a full tin of spaghetti hoops and a slice of bread for dinner, i'm totally full, but I am slightly shakey, and I am totally craving chocolate, when I decide i'm gonna have some, I get really shakey and excited before i'm eating it. The way it makes me feel is amazing, I wouldn't say i'm depressed but i'm obviously using chocolate for comfort for some reason.

Has anyone else cut chocolate out of their lives all together?
Has anyone else cut chocolate out of their lives all together?

While actively eating 1,200 calories a day, yes. I avoid chocolate, crisps, pastries, all that kind of rubbish.

I've spent the past two months on maintenance calories of about 2,000 a day, so I've used chocolate as a tool to hit that calorie goal without bulking out my volumetric intake too much.

This week, though, back to 1,200 a day. And no more chocolate :)
littlemissI really feel for you
My addiction was sugar not choccy, but kiddies sweets
But its not just the eating that makes you want more Its the sugar spike you get, which then Always turns into a glucose slump, which makes you really REALLY crave more sugar, be it choccy or sweetsChoccy has the added attraction of having caffiene in it too so, the only way to stop it to go cold turkey, and sorry to say, never eat it againand top up on the caffiene by having a coffee instead and I know I am planning on trying never to eat sweets againthe truth is out there, and I am sure I am preaching to the converted, so we know what to do....
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Has anyone else cut chocolate out of their lives all together?

I had a serious chocolate addiction. I could over-eat any food but chocolate takes me to a whole different place.

The amount of chocolate I can eat is almost awesome:sigh:. I have left the house at midnight to go to the local petrol station to buy a fivers worth of chocolate and had most of it eaten by the time I got back home.

I don't eat chocolate or any sweet things at all now.

Better safe than sorry:17729:
I used to think I was addicted to food but I don't anymore. I was just addicted to the thought processes behind it, and my thoughts around food. I can relate to everything everyone said here about not being able to stop - believe me I've done all that too. I'm still retraining my brain but I really had to stop thinking I was addicted to food. It's been one of the toughest things I've ever had to do. That desire to eat more and more still comes - it can be before a meal, during or even at the end. But I'm learning that the thoughts are okay, I don't try and deny them and get into a battle with myself. I'm just learning to not act on them. Good luck to you all on your journeys :)
Good on you Laura
I really hope I can do as well as you

its a habit thats been with us since our Mum's stuck a rusk in our little mouths to keep us happy!

Does anyone have any recommendations for hypnosis dvds to help with this adiction

As I am on exante, I don't get any support from councillors at all, and I was thinking hypnosis may help

I do have a "lose weight" hypno dvd, and it does help a little (when I get around to listening to it) but if there's a humdinger of a recommendation out there?

Books don't do it for me

I like the thread on here to help visualise
Y'know the one with stuff like
Not cleaning the dust off the car next to me with my ass when I park close in a car park
I quite liked the Paul McKenna book / CD. It wasn't for me, but I can see how it'd work on people who are hypnotisable.
Can relate on what everyone says about bingeing. Such a relief that you know there are other people out there that are experiencing this and understand. Like any other addiction I feel I need to binge in secret, and feel ashamed and guilty about it. Nice to be able to get it all out in the open. Agree totally with what the other posters are saying, this is about whats going on in your head and your thought process's. Am starting Lipotrim on Monday, if I get the food out of the way for a while maybe I can start to sort out the feelings.
When I begin a binge, I don't have an 'off' button. It just goes on and on and on and on. I've been known to binge, have an anti nausea pill, then binge again when it's settled my stomach...then take another pill...and twenty minutes later start all over again.

Lately, however, it's been far better.

Here are my tips:

Get a calender, and mark off each 'good' day you have, if you last through a week, give yourself a treat: NOT FOOD.

Cut out as much sweetner as possible.

If you feel a binge coming on drink water, or something very low calorie. Carbonated drinks are not good because, although they fill you up, your insuline levels change and YOU WILL WANT SUGAR. Jelly seems to do the same thing - well, sugarfree jelly, not sure about 'normal' jelly since I don't ever have it...

Binging on fruits and veg is fine, seriously. Fresh stuff especially, it's good for your body, so just have it. You could always have some sweet fruits if you want to binge, because that should get rid of sugar cravings. A lot of the time, if I want to binge, I tend to shove some veggies in the microwave then put a little bit of salt on them when they come out - my body is usually craving salt.

Cut back on carbs; a lot of people feel the need to binge when they're eating a lot of carbs.

Don't have binge food in the house, and don't take more money than you NEED out of the house with you.

Shop when you're in a good mood - or maybe after an obesity documentary.

Watch all cooking shows/weight related shows whilst you're having a 'good' meal: Brekkie, Lunch, or Dinner...otherwise, they'll probably set you off.

Make 'times' for eating. E.G Brekkie: 9, Lunch: 1, Dinner: 6. And possibly a place, such as sitting at the dining table.

Use small cutlery to fool your mind into thinking you're eating more.

Make a rule to eat everything VERY SLOWLY. If I eat a meal I put my knife and fork down between every single bite, and I take a sip of water too.

Go for a walk.

Have a lollipop. Though these CAN be addictive (trust me, I had the spots to show for it!), they DO work very well.

Read successful-dieter stories.

Make lists/write/draw. Just get creative. Painting nails is actually pretty good - wouldn't want to ruin them by getting salt from your crisps, or butter from that bacon butty on them would you?

Give yourself pins and needles if you feel a binge coming on: You won't be able to get up and go to the fridge.

Stick pictures of huge people on your fridge.

Look at thinspiration.

Find your triggers, and try to cut them out of your life.

If there is something EG CHOCOLATE which you cannot stop eating, try and find an alternative, such as: Options Hot Chocolate, or Soy Chocolate. These are probably lower calorie, and might not set you off in the same way. Alternatively, you might want to cut it out altogether.

For Chocolate, I tend to light chocolate-scented candles, and they tend to get rid of my cravings. No idea why, and for some people it might be the opposite, but the smell is lush, and all for zero cals.

Exercise instead.

Phone someone up.

Have a shower (though that never worked for me, I used to eat IN my shower - gross!)

Clean your teeth - again, never worked for me, I prefered to eat chewing gum as you got the mint, and you got to CHEWWWW. Though sometimes I found that chewing set me off.

Have a 'binge box' fill it with things to do, and a 'food binge box'. Fill it with things like lollipops, gobstoppers, low-cal hot chocolate, chewing gums, etc, and tell yourself before binging on anything else, you should head there, because it's probably going to help.

Count to 100.

If you like the texture of certain foods, prepare in advance - e.g. make 'banana ice cream' by freezing a banana.

Pay tetris instead.

Ice pops.

Look at yourself in the mirror.

Go somewhere where you're not allowed fooood.

Make sure you get enough vitamins/minerals etc, and are not defficient in anything - I find taking several vitamin pills each day makes me less likely to binge.

Try spreading your calories more evenly over the day. Such as in 5 meals, rather than three. Less time between meals means less time waiting for a meal.

100cal bags of food.

Plan everything in advance.

Keep a food diary - you're not going to want to write down all the things you're binging on.

If all else fails: CHEWSPIT!

Hehee. I think that's all the tips I have for not binging :s Now I just eat reaaal healthy.
My name is Kellie and I am addicted to eating.
I need to jsut say that out loud and maybe it will kick me into touch again.
I have eaten crap now for 6 days.
No control, and pleasure rapidly decreases. I have run twice, adn I'm hoping that will help sort my head out.

What would i say to an alcoholic? Stop drinking? find some other way to spend your time, keep busy(all pretty pathetic i think) but ok i'll try.

I am Kellie and I am addicted to eating.

ps there's ben and jerry's in the fridge and a packet of milky way stars.. maybe i should finish them first???