how do you lose 2 thirds of your self?

I assume your giddyness isn't related to having been on the sherry, just to check its good for cooking :giggle: :8855: xxxxxx

:8855::8855: haven't actually made the soup yet so bottle still unopened !! makes my family giggle that i love sherry but only really drink it at christmas:eek:
its nearly christmas:D

been a bit headachey this afternoon so went and lay down for a while.
like you i have had an unexpected * week show up:cry:

Better not scupper my wi tomorrow cos i have been so good !!!!:mad:

off to cook a pasta bake for the men folk now. they better be grateful cos i am not doing pasta this week :rolleyes:

covorting was fun the poor dog thinks i am mad and kept nipping my ankles !!!!
todays food diary, pretty similar to yesterdays really:D

B 0% greek yog with honey and banana (2 syns)

L stirfry veg, prawns and chille

T beef and prune tagine ( left over from last night just as tasty as yesterday)

had no snacks or nibbles today feeling bloated and headachey

WI in the morning and hoping for a decent loss after last weeks drama
i have been 100% all week and done more exercise than normal but really do feel bloated tonight:cry:
Good Luck for your WI Hunny :) xxx

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thankyou everybody for you good luck wishes :D
they obviously worked cos i have last a very respectable 5lb :talk017:

rather pleased with that:D
i love my new scales, which i have carried round the house and weighed on every surface to ensure it correct and it says the same each time:D

nasty thought for the day hubby only lost 1/4 of a lb ( serves him right for eating pasta and being pleased last week for losing 2lb when i broke the scales:eek::D)

off to work out how to put a shiney on cos that takes me over 2 1/2 stone , eyes firmly set on 3 now for the end of oct :eek:
I was gonna say was that ickle bean guy there before, he's cute lol

Congrats on the big loss and the new shiny :)
broadsbean said:
i let hubby loose on my account this morning (just the adminny bit:D)
and ended up with shiney and a picture:D:D:D
aren't men useful :rolleyes::confused::rolleyes:

Yay I love your beany pic! :)
Congrats on your amazing loss :)

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ohhh hedgehog drama in our house tonight some how my stupid dog picked one up in the garden and bought it in !!!:eek:

looks to me it might be hibernating cos is all wrapped up in grass etc have spoken to hedgehog rescue and its now all wrapped up in a box while we check it is ok and then i have a no to ring in the morning for some one to come and rescue it.

I have cleaned up stupid dog cos she was covered in blood cos had pricles in her mouth stupid stupid animal !!!!

what fun hey :D
Hey hunni, firstly are you kidding? You miserable I think not sweetie, yeah you have your moments like the rest of us life gets in the way of our fun sometimes, but you are a bubbly lovely person and it makes my day reading your diary, like Tilly said if you were miserable I reckon that a lot less people would be popping in than do.
Secondly OMG you are amazing ...I keep telling you that and you keep proving me right :woohoo: 5lb :wow: that's not respectable that's bloody phenomenal, stupendous fantastic bloody good job :bliss: so happy for you sweetie.
Thirdly, aww poor lickle hedgehog, hope he and your dog are ok xxxxxxxxxxxx
Aws, poor ickle hedgepig. And silly booger dog lol You'd think she'd go 'Ooow, this thing hurts I'll drop it right away'!

Ah well, least it was a funny kind of drama lol

Hope you have a nice day today :) When was your gym visit planned for? x
Morning sweetie, hope you're having a good day, will pop back later if I get a chance and see how things are going xxxxxxxxx
busy morning today, GP appointment and then i caught the bus (alone) to my parents:eek:

very traumatic and almost crying when i got there but i did it:confused:

prior to going out we had another slight drama cos hedgehog (who is now called houdine) escaped over night !
Finally located in the washing basket !!!
Its now happily sleeping in the bath awaiting collection by hedgehog rescue people !!!.
hubby is aquiring flea stuff as we speak so lots of body magic for me this weekend . apparently their fleas are host specific but not taking any chances !!!!

Its very cute and i want to put it back in the garden but worried that stupid dog hasn't learnt not to tangle with hedgehogs xx :eek::eek:
food diary for today

B 100% greek yog and honey (2 syns) with alpen light (3syns) and banna chopped into it.

L 3 slices ww wholemeal bread, chicken, rocket, babybel light cheese table spoon light mayo (2.5 syns, hexa + hexb)

T turkey and veg curry ( containing toms mush peppers courgette onion ) BNS actifried.

S more grapes :D
Aws well done on the bus journey :bighug:Very brave :) Did you get a lift home?

Shame you can't keep the Houdini the Hedgepig, sounds so cute playing hide and seek lol
broadsbean said:
food diary for today

B 100% greek yog and honey (2 syns) with alpen light (3syns) and banna chopped into it.

L 3 slices ww wholemeal bread, chicken, rocket, babybel light cheese table spoon light mayo (2.5 syns, hexa + hexb)

T turkey and veg curry ( containing toms mush peppers courgette onion ) BNS actifried.

S more grapes :D

Does BNS turn out nice in the actifry? Do you put it in raw?
Still hoping to get one for Xmas :)
Well done for taking the bus alone - I know it would of taken a lot of courage so that's brilliant you got through it :)

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