How low carb is CD?


Full Member
My CDC gave me a list of nutritional information about CD products but I can't find it for the life of me!

I was just wondering how many carbs we were getting in CD? I have played with low carb diets in the past and really feel that they suit me but I was quite shocked when I heard that the highest carb bar was 26g of carbs (but I have no idea if this is true). I'd read that a ketogenic diet is one which is generally below 35g of carbs so these bars don't really give much wiggle room for ketosis.

I just wondered roughly how many carbs we'd be getting a day?

The sachets (including porridge), tetras and the "crunch" bars (i.e. cranberry/peanut) have around 14gr carbs per pack, and the chewy bars have around 25gr. The Atkins ongoing weightloss phase is 40gr carbs per day so 3 x CD packs is not far off that...however CD's aim is only to put you into a mild state of ketosis anyway. Also not all carbs are created equally so 25gr carbs in a CD bar would not be used by your body in the same way as, say, 25gr of white sugar. :)
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The porridge contains 16g of carbs per pack, the bars have slightly higher sometimes as much as 24g. The average per day in total is between 45 to 50g depending on what you have.
I know the bars have a lot of carbs but...I may be wrong as Im going from memory here but they have these polyol things in which bring the carbs down.
Polyols are used to replace sugar, think of them as sweetners. They are sugar carbohydrates and they can affect ketosis in some people. I think in bars with like 24g carbs, polyols are probably 9g or so.