How much weight did you lose before anyone had noticed?

I think one of the other things about commenting on weight loss is that when people see you regularly they don't tend to notice as much as if they haven't seen you for a while due to seeing that gradual change.
I'm 11.5lbs down and nobody has noticed yet. My clothes are hanging off me though so I don't think it will b long before people notice.. I hope! Its only one dress size i've lost though, but I'd really expect people to notice by the time i've lost another... am I gonna be disappointed? lol x
People associate rapid weightloss with serious illness, it's an instinctive thing....

I actually had this happen to me at the weekend. Someone came up to me and said "well done on the weightloss, i thought that you had cancer" obviously she had asked someone before coming up to me and saying this. I suppose you have to take the possitives from it.
Thanks for all your replies. Funnily enough a girl in my work commented yesterday and asked if i'd lost weight. I was made up. Then in sw this morning the lady that takes the money said she can really see the difference in me. :D

Craig, you look amazing. Huge well done on your loss :)
Well done on your loss so far :)

For me, the people who knew I was on SW noticed first - probably because they were looking if that makes sense? Also I'm quite sure the first half stone came directly off my face, haha! Other People started to notice when I got to 3 stone and onwards, and people comment with some degree of regularity nowadays at work. It's only after I'd lost 4st that people I knew outside of work but saw less regularly - acquaintances and friends - started to make comment on it, which I think is a lot down to me not wearing such baggy stuff and the change in my figure actually being visible.