How to get out of that failing & restarting rut?

I'm so totally there, and have been for my entire adult life (and beyond). A couple of things that have really helped me this time are the couple of things that I've scoffed at in the past and not considered how beneficial they actually are, so I've not done them before.

Firstly - at the start when you are really motivated, write a list of all the reasons you want to lose weight. Have it everywhere, on your fridge, in your handbag, on your phone - wherever you can see it, and read it regularly - this is the key - read it every day, set an alarm on your phone to remind you. My alarm now goes off and I can recite the whole list, which gives me a little smile.

Secondly - set targets. Make them realistic, but make them challenging. My next target date is this weeks weigh in and I'm so not missing it, I've not missed any other one so far so I'm making sure I get to this one too! Have a variety of targets but make sure they are SMART (specific, measurable, acheivable, realistic and timebound).

Both of these things have helped me no end to get to where I am now - but the main thing of all is seeking the assistance and borrowing a little motivation from everyone else on here. The support on here has been the biggest factor without a doubt :)
I am exactly the same i did so well wheni first started but slowy my weight has crept up and i havent reached my goal but i really want to be slim and finish off what i started i am a type of person who does it better when i have support so if anyone wants to buddy and do and get it theough together just message me