How to lose half your body weight in 10 days (Or a bit longer!)

Thanks Fran, you are right. Sometimes the goals seem so far away, but every little bit of loss, every sticker, every stone is making a difference. I just need a few really good weeks to get back on track. There is so much amazing support on here, it really does help. We are all strangers. Yet there are times I feel people on here understand me better than my own family with what I am trying to achieve. Thank you xxx
It is OK. I joined almost a year before you, and I have since learned to not put so much pressure on myself. If it helps you are way ahead on your weightloss than I was at this point :) I'm lucky in that my family are super supportive. Well, my brothers don't say anything either way. But mum is really good, grandad loves being updated, and at 3 stone down he sent me money for new clothes, my dad takes mum and I to SW and drops me off afterwards and he likes the car update. Just knowing they care is great. Your family might not show it, but they are likely so proud of you.

There aren't many people trying to lose what I am aiming for at my group, so it is tricky. there's one lady who isn't here very regularly as she goes to another group too, one who never stays to group who lost 7 stone in the past, and one lady who lost 1 stone and struggled since then. another lady lost 9 stone, put it all back on, came back (which is when i met her) struggled at around 1 stone and left. So it is hard to see it can be done by people other than the ones in the magazine. That's something I find great here on minis: that people who are a tiny bit away from target (like minky) we can see have ups and downs along the way.
Thanks Fran you have made me feel a lot better about it all. My family have been great and really supportive. They can see the changes but can't understand why I am so focused as they don't know how much I still want to achieve and the time pressure I am putting myself under.

In my group there is one lady who has just achieved her 4.5 stone award and is near target, then there is me. So no one inspirational to talk to and get help from. That is why minks is just an amazing ambassador for us all.
Thanks Fran, maybe it is the pressure element holding me back. Will give it some thought. How did you get on with FF yesterday?
Morning Franny. How many days have you been doing ff for now? Is it WI today or next week? Sure you have done fabulously.

And quick hi jack - anju, I can only echo what Fran has been saying. You have done so well in such a short space of time, don't you forget that! I, like you, zoomed through the first x stone and then when I had a social event or an unexpected gain/sts it totally perplexed me and made me want to pound my own face to pieces. But then again, don't we have to have a life? Sometimes those mystery weeks are what we need to get our focus back. And everyone tells me off about putting so much pressure on myself, maybe you should take heed of your own advise - the world will not end if you don't lose 2lbs! (I know its totes frustrating and you want to kick yourself BUT you can lose weight, you have lost weight and you will lose more!) So no more punishing ones self, maybe try SE, but more importantly, don't forget how far you've come. Maybe wear your necklace today as a nice reminder of that :)

(Sorry fran, didn't realise I was going to start waffling ;)) xxx
For some people it really works, for me i get part way there and self sabotage. im so daft. Day 2 was ticked off all well. My stupid boy has been a knob since 5:30 this morning. He is too tired to be up and doing anything but won't go back to sleep. He wants to be on me and dominating me. So he is in my bed and I'm on a bed in his room because he is driving me mad. It is going to be a LONG day. Urgh :( he slept until 8:30 yesterday, and usually it is 7:30.

Minks you weren't waffling but always feel free, especially when reminding the fine lady that is Anju that she is both human and awesome.

I've only done two days. Next Wednesday is WI, mum booked this week off when she paid for the countdown (paying me back) and I figure I have my focus back already, I don't want to WI, see the gain and be thrown off my plan for this week, so it is quite handy she booked it off actually. If she hadn't I know I wouldn't have gone back on plan as soon as I got back.
You guys are so awesome and supportive, I am blinking back tears. Thank you. My new matra - I can lose weight, I have lost weight, I can lose more xxx

Fran hopefully Nate will tire himself out and you can get on with your day xxx
Hi Fran how have you been. I have just come back from a weekend away, and despite my best intentions have fallen off plan! I should have known it would be too difficult with 3 family events in one weekend and staying away from home would just be too much for me to stay in control. Well too late to cry about it, just have to face the scales and get back on plan tomorrow. Got a month of no family events, next party is my mums 60th in mid August. Better get more weight off but then xx
Hi guys, how are you? I've felt rubbish and been binging on rubbish too. Try for a new day again tomorrow. Eat rubbish, feel rubbish, crave rubbish. Bum. Ff was definitely not good for me, it is like those crazy diets people try and fail on. But in turn it has made me feel so rubbish I went off on one. Totally illogical, nothing would stop me. I sat on the self destruct button. Hilariously someone said I looked slimmer today. I know I'm in the 15s again. I can feel it.

On the plus side (or plus size as it were!) I have planned next week's menu, including ee, red and green days, regular meals and some new. The food shopping is coming tomorrow and hopefully I can have one fully good week for the first time in a long while.

Anju, I hope you had fun and you have managed to get yourself back on track.

I've been floundering since 6 stone, but hoping I can dust myself off and get back my old mojo.
Hi Fran, your week sounds like mine. Come on we can both this together with one another's support. I am back on success express in the hope of avoiding a gain. You can do this, "I can lose weight, I have lost weight, I can lose more weight" remember!
Thanks hun. :) I just need to get off my gain train!

B: fruit and yogurt
L: (dunno yet)
D: Hulk Chicken, new potatoes, green beans and cauliflower (HEA)

Thursday: RED DAY
B: Muesli (HEB) with banana and yogurt
L: Greek salad (HEA and 1 syn)
D: hunters chicken with cauliflower, broccoli and green beans or courgette and wedges (HEB and HEA)

Friday: RED DAY
B: Berries and yogurt and toast (HEB) with synned amount of jam
L: Cheese (HEA) omelette and salad
D: Club salad (HEB)

Saturday: GREEN DAY
B: fruit and yogurt
L: pizza toast (HEA, HEB and one syn)
D: low low pasta (HEA)

B: SW "fry up"
L: cheese roll (HEA and HEB)
D: roast gammon, potatoes and veg

B: fruit and yogurt
L: tomato and mozerella pasta salad thing
D: Jambolya

B: Fruit and yogurt
L: english salad
D: (Dunno yet)

I have ordered some stuff to do some baking with Nate for either when it rains or the weekend so we can have a bit of bonding fun. I will be able to offload most of them at the team meeting on Monday probably. I figure it doesn't matter if they go wrong given that they are baked in a random oven and Nate'll be making them. It'll be something nice for us to do. Buying the ingredients in was more expensive than if I bought the mix... I was sorely tempted by the postman pat bun mix for 99p
Food looks great for the week, lots of variety. What is hulk chicken?!?
Ta, hulk chicken is a chicken breast stuffed with broccoli cooked and mushed up with feta.
Thats sounds lovely, wouldnt think to stuff a chicken breast with brocolli. Following the idea through, you could use spinach. Must add that to my recipe list.