How to lose half your body weight in 10 days (Or a bit longer!)

Feeling brave and inspired by you so thought I would share with you all. Sorry for the different sizing of photos, not that computer literate!
Thanks Fran. Stats are all up to date. Thank you for the wonderful comments, I still feel humungus. I know that I have gone from a dress size 26 to an 18 in most stores. I am carrying most of my weight round my middle and my backside, so the flowers are strategically positioned!
Well you look great. How exciting you will be moving down a "fat category" soon. I was elated when my bmi was under 40. It meant so much.

Had another good day today.

B: fruit and yogurt
S: banana
L: omelette (hea cheese) with a big salad
D: philly pasta with lots of veg stirred in (hea2)

Having a green day and not used any heb choices yet.

I took an Apple and two hifi bars with me to work but didn't touch them. Got a wedding rehearsal on right now. They got all the chairs in and then some! Which we were worried about. Then I got someone in to do the readings on Christmas day so that is sorted! And the warden I'm a bit scared of said she was really impressed and it looks like everything will be sorted in plenty of time. Woop Woop. The vicar decided not to bother meeting me today. Such an arse. And I sorted out some burial stuff, and got the stuff ready for tomorrow's wedding. And the retired vicar who is taking it was pleased with my work too. Yay :)

On the downside nate has gotten into the compost bin - the big outside one, twice.
Had another good day yesterday. The kids birthday party was easy enough, there was lots of fruit and crudites as well as the usual stuff. Nate was exhausted bless him. We popped to exeter afterwards and I got nate two Mr maker craft sets so we are doing them later if we get all the housework done :)

This morning nate had a banana, a slice of jam toast and a mini "fry" up. I had a "fry" up too and later we are having pulled pork. Yay! Just watching some tv, then we are off to the shop to pick a few things. Looking forward to a chilled day just with me and nate. Feeling really good. I wore my size 14 caveletti skirt yesterday, and my size 14 Karen millen top and felt awesome. :) a lot of bloating has gone and I'm really hoping for a good result this week.
Sounds great, Fran. Food sounds great, especially the pulled pork. Fingers crossed for a good result for you. I am trying to navigate my way through my mums 60th birthday today. Started with some cupcake for breakfast! Oops! Will do what I can!
Thank you my lovely, I think just not binging is helping so much. Hope I've finally drawn a line under that.

Dinner was awesome. Happy full belly. When nate is asleep I've just got to do the washing up, try not to eat the leftovers, put the bins out, have a cup of tea and relax.

B: full flabbers (1.5 syns) cup of tea (0.5)
S: Apple
L: chicken pasta salad
D: pulled pork with spicy sweet potato wedges, broccoli and green beans and heb roll.

I've got a dairy milk for 12 set aside with a cup of tea (0.5) but I haven't had a hea yet

We have done laundry, stripped beds, mower the lawn, looked in on the tomato plants (they are doing great!) Done some crafts and played football, as well as usual playing, cleaning, vacuuming. Been a good day.

Bit worried about tomorrow's meeting in case something blows up, hopefully it won't.
Well done, Fran. That is brilliant! I thought of you as I updated my stats and saw my bmi was finally in the 30s!
Thanks scarlet love :)

Haha anju. I hope you did a happy dance i need to lose 19.5lbs to break into the next category. You are doing so amazingly.
I did do a happy dance and my first thought was of you! Honestly it was! I also secretly celebrated becoming the Biggest Loser in my group by 1lb!
Thanks texty hun, you will be saying it too soon, I know it. :)

Yay Anju. Honestly, only someone who has been our size can understand how it feels. my bmi was 49.4 at my very heaviest, so only a tiny bit under yours. I like how you are as competitive as I am. I loved being the biggest loser, and then we didn't do the biggest loser awards. Boo. We have a long way to go, but we can do it :)