How to lose half your body weight in 10 days (Or a bit longer!)

aww thanks brittany :) Did you like the classy public loo shot though, mmm loo bin! haha.

I know I have plenty more to go, but little celebrations help make it go quicker.

I had fruit and yogurt this morning, no snacks, leftover soup for lunch, no snacks, and then made an awesome syn free curry feast for tea! I will put up the picture in a moment. I made:

Aubergine curry (can't remember the name)
spicy rice
chicken jalfrazi
tarkha dahl
turkey kababs that were so yummy i want more now!
spicy potato cakes.

Fear the curry power!


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I did, just under 2 hours, so that was nice. Had a bit of a tantruming boy today so it's been a bit bloody annoying. I think it is just tiredness. But he is starting to get it when the nappy isn't comfy (wee wee/ poo poo) it needs to be changed, and he has a go on the potty. by have a go i mean he sits on it and says "pssss" then stands up having done nothing. Lol. But he isn't scared of it now. He used to run away terrified of it. Mad child.

I have been looking into embroidery. And my book came through this week. So I finally sat down and read it to day. Itching to get started :) I'm wanting to finish Nate's blanket before I start another project but i'm waiting for this wadding to come through, then I need to sew the final bit of the squares closed, then get on with crocheting it.

But today I started doodling a little embroidery design. The book is less what you'd think embroidery would be and more fun and modern. I'll see if I can get the rubbish photo up.... [edit: I have done a second animal one. cuteness]

It has distracted me from wanting to eat LOADS of chocolate. Loads of food in general to be honest. haha.

Food today was

Fruit and Kedgeree
Roast dinner
fruit and yogurt
Cheese (hea) and onion roll (heb) lots of pickles, wotsits (5 syns), TDML, twirl (9 syns)

Looking forward to tap class tomorrow. :) mum and dad will be seeing an architect. why? when I only do stuff on a wednesday and monday do they keep scheduling stuff for those times? ok, wednesday is fine because Nate is with me, but they babysit for that hour when I'm at tap (well, dad babysits, mum comes with me). I'm going to pack a little bag with juice, snacks and his sticker book and a couple of toys and hope he will behave.


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Hi Fran, hope you had a nice weekend. You look great in your pic and your curry feast looks amazing!!

Hope you enjoy tap class today and that Nate is a good boy xx
A full flabbers, then tap class. Woop. Just about to give drooling beauty his milk then a nap and I wifll go cook some rice and have leftover curry for a late lunch. Then prepare mum's birthday meal! She liked her present from Nate and I. The booker prize shortlist. It should keep her busy for a little while!

One more day after today before weigh in. Got to get out early to catch the bus there so Nate had best play ball!
Hello my lovely. It's been fine. I had a lovely nap earlier. haha. and fuss free lunch and dinner. I need to get out of the kitchen more. I've discovered a yummy sandwich (using a heb on a wholemeal roll) with salad and pickles it really yummy and good for lunch. I don't need to cook 3 meals every day, or spend bloody hours in that kitchen. Just need to plan 2 more breakfasts for next week and I'm done :) double checking the tesco order and making a mental list for stuff to get in town tomorrow.

How are you my lovely?
Im good thanks chick - I love a good sarnie lol I try only to have bread once a week usually but this week ive had more. Its WI tomorrow so I eat light, but I might just have to try a ham and pickle sarnie on Thurs :D I made pizzas tonight for something quick as we were helping daughter and son in law move some stuff to their new house.

Had a mad day at work and very stressy hoping tomorrow is better lol.

I would love an afternoon nap lol