howdy one and all


Full Member
So I havent been on the scales for a long time but i am morbidly obese so would like to lose around 8-10 stones i think. I'm debating joining slimming world but I dont know if I understand it properly do you eat carbs one day then protein the next?

seems like an easier plan to follow than the points counting of weight watchers but I don't know really so any thoughts would be appreciated.

an Hi to everyone:)
Hi, I also have around 8 or 9 stone to lose! I have never tried slimming world, I havent heard anyone say they have successfully been on it.. does it have good reviews from people with a significant amount of weight to lose? I agree weight watchers is a pain to add up all the points, ive been on it 3 times, and while it does work, it gets abit boring adding up all the time and i end up just guessing points and then not bothering at all!! I wish someone had a no fail diet plan that i could stick to!!

anyway, welcome :D
well I'll say hi to myself ha ha bit of an update I've def decided to go for it I work on the checkout at asda and one of my customers was saying shes lost 3 stone in 12 weeks on the extra easy plan, I think it sounds like it will be good for me. nearest meeti g to me is at 10am which is a bit early for me as I work evenings lol but come the 25 july i'll be going to my first one (can't afford it before then lol) just have to mentally prepare myself for the first weigh in yikes!!!! and will enjoy eating all the crap in my house up before then as I'm not throwing stuff away.
If you fancy trying SW then it is worth joining a class and getting all the booklets and an explanation of the plan from the leader.

It is then up to you whether you want to continue at the class or use us as your support.

Good luck.

Irene xx
thats what i was thinking get all the books and stuff and then decide whether to go to classes or go it alone gotta be worth a try right