How's your Wii fit?

Hi Scousemouse,

I weighed myself naked this morning but yesterday was later with v light clothes on so although Wii deducted 2lb for clothing it may only have weighed 1lb. i know that the general trend is down and that weighing at different times can give different results but its still pants when ive been so good. I'm sure tomorrow it'll be fine.
OMG I cant get the kids off the Wii fit to go to bed so i can get another shot. Exercise has never been so much fun!:character00115:
Hi slinky, stick at it and you'll defo see the results. I get weighed every morning since I got my wii friend and glad to say I've had a 1lb loss every morming. Chuffed is an understatement
good luck and keep me posted
i love mine too but dont go on it often enough. must make more of an effort. gonna do the step 2moro with my own music blaring!
i love mine too but dont go on it often enough. must make more of an effort. gonna do the step 2moro with my own music blaring!
I had such a good time on different excercises this morning before i knew it I had done......1hr 9mins. I can't wait for my official weigh in on friday
I'm getting my wii fit any day now. I can't wait!!
I'm getting my wii fit any day now. I can't wait!!
I just got my daily body test and lost another lb yippee, really motivated now but I cant update my weight chart as all this excercise has frozen my brain and i forgot my pin so I not a happy bunny
Humph! I sooo want one........sob sob
its amazing!!
i just did a half hour work out and im sitting here sweating buckets!!
i put on my gym gear, open the windows for air, and blast my music!! its FAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've done 20 mins so far today. I've just had 6 wee choc chip cookies with a cup of coffee so i need to get a good work out going in about 2 minutes.
Evening all! Just wondered if anyone knows of any Wii fit's in stock anywhere???? I want one and can't find one anywhere or even find out when they will be in stock...sob sob