i feel the same way!
Im not sure whether its real hunger or emotional hunger or just that i miss chewing and smelling yummy stuff before sticking it in my gob lol.
the ways i am getting thru it are:
- I have started reading a lot more. i love to always have a book on the go but at the moment this is how i am taking my mind off the diet. i can go to bed early if its bad in the evenings and stick my nose in a good ben elton book lol
- i bought a couple of size 10 dresses from ebay. i have hung them in my wardrobe. when i think i am gonna cheat i go upstairs and take them out, hold them up infront of the mirror and wonder how im gonna wear my hair when i wear the dress etc. then the food dont seem important!
- i think how i will feel once i have finished eating whatever it is i wanna eat. i just know i will feel awful and that i have let myself down.
- i read a list that i got my kids to write about what they are looking forawrd to most when im slim. it says stuff like "wont worry about mummy dying"...its willpower boosting!
- i come on here and read how fab people are doing or just kill some time reading around and getting lost lol.
Just ask yourself how worth it the food is. Im sure u r doing really well so far. just think about how fab that feels.
i hope u manage to find ways around it! best of luck!