I cheated!!!!! ME!!!! cheated!!!!

ha ha lmao - i know it started off as a serious thread but those last couple of posts made me laugh so much!!

as everyone else has said, back on the LT - you know it makes sense!
I started reading this thread thinking OMG not Helen!!!!! But I ended up laughing loudly and thinking I will never eat pineapple again!!!!

Awww honey, chin up !

Dont do it again though lol !

I used to like pineapple............................
i always thought pineapple left a horrible taste in my mouth - now i know why - people are using them for nefarious purposes!!
hehehehe, dunno why but i didn't get any email alerts for last few posts, so i was surprised to come on here and see loads more. thanks guys. :)

feeling better now, although keep wanting to eat!

so i have drank my body weight in peppermint tea instead, too cold for water today. brrrrrr
This thread is so funny! Its lovely how much support and encouragement is at hand for strayers and strugglers. LOVE IT!!

p.s. I bet all day 3'ers would gladly eat any pineapple regardless of where its been lmao
hehehehehe, I love exotic fruit :D