I did it


Full Member
Tonight I was so tempted to eat more bars like yesterday when I ate four. Tonight I said if I don't cheat I will treat myself to some shoes. Was sooo hard but did it and ordered two pairs of shoes :) some more kurt Geiger ones I will hardly wear but look amazing and some nude patent ones. Have future in laws wedding and OH bought me an amazing French connection body con dress and I look super slim in it yay!! Love this diet so much more confidence, hair colour change sat too it's a huge make over (never dyed my hair before ) going blonde from brown eek. Anybody else gaining more confidence?? Sorry for The rant I am so happy.
I know yesterday was a huge slip up unfortunately but been good today :)
;) The old remedy for any problem - shopping! Love it :) Enjoy your new shoes and your make over, you sound really happy!
Good on ya Missy Mint. I'm aiming for 11st too and when I get to goal, I want an whole image overhaul. No more baggy clothes, and definitely something drastically different with the hair. Keep it up x
I'm currently 11. 11 but want to go to 10 so gives me a stone to play around with :) hopefully not too long to go either :)
That's great Missy_mint! you did very well not to give in. Once we get those 'thoughts' it's very hard to take out mind away from it, so well done you.

Oooh new shoes as a treat for not giving in! me likey :D

It does sound like you are very happy and boost in confidence!

I can't wait to get my hair done. I promised myself a totally new style and outrageous colour when I lose 2 stone, but I keep adding to it so now it's 3 stone :giggle: