I have NEVER been so humiliated in my entire life :(

Just to say how sorry I am to hear your story but wonder if you will look back in a few weeks time and say 'that was it, that was the moment that changed my life, it was horrible but now i am glad it happened'.

Hope so. Good luck with your journey to a happier life.

Hi Sally

I've had the same happen to me. I was so ashamed I just wanted to cry and then die.

Well I'm going to Florida next March and I WILL not feel like that again.

We can do this Sally - we can be upside down or plunge straight towards the earth without feeling scared the damn bar won't shut on us!!

Hi Sally,

I had the very same thing happen to me on Air at Alton Towers - those breast plate thingies are not forgiving on the boobies are they?
The assistant who tried to shut the harness on me was so rude to me (he looked about 12) that I complained and got a full refund for my ticket and my partners. But I still go hot in the face and squirmy in the tummy when I think back to that day. The assistant just made a half arsed attempt to shut the harness, recoiled in disgust when his hand accidentally touched me in the process and then with the loudest voice and with no attempt to hide his glee, all but shouted... "sorry you are too fat it won't shut. Get off" (verbatim). He told me to stand to one side and he would get me a pass, so I did, then the bloke in the office who starts the rides, comes over the tannoy and says "if you cannot ride Air - please leave the platform" looking at me. Which meant of course that everyone else, still in their seats, turned to look at me. I can totally identify with the "not blinking" thing. I walked out of there in a daze and stayed in the shop area that you walk through wondering how I would ever get over what had just happened to me.
I won't lie to you - this will always be a horrible memory, but like Barb said - it can also be the moment that you turned your life around. Then recounting that story in future will only remind you how far you have come and how successful you have been.
Good luck on your journey. No more tears now. It only gets better from here.
Big hugs
Hi sally...been there..know how u feel,but if it has motivated u, then maybe some good will come from ur horrible experience. Don't let it upset u too much.
That's so pants. Know exactly how you feel 'cause we went to Florida for our honeymoon & I wouldn't attempt to get on half of the rides. (plan -which I obv' failed - was to slim down before the wedding :()

However, that's one of my goals now - to slim down & be able to enjoy Florida in all it's glory. No fretting about the flight, the rides, the heat......... Glorious holiday here I come - one day!

Use this as your motivation now to keep you on track.

Yo can & WILL do this - Me too :)
u may be upset now but i reckon it could work out to be the best day of ur life...the day that changed u forever. nothing as motivating as humiliation and i now that its happened, u cant take it back but maybe u can take somehting good from it. best of luck. xxxx
I know exactly how you feel – I wasn’t at Alton Towers recently but went in for my first dress fitting on Saturday. The dress stuck at my hips and wouldn’t budge. I was devastated, even though I knew it was coming. The woman could see how upset I was and started trying to be nice “look how fabulous your hair and skin are , you’re looking great”. That made it even worse as in my head I heard “ you’re a big fat cow who doesn’t fit her wedding dress but sure don’t worry – you have nice hair”. I held in the tears till I left the shop and then I was inconsolable. And then what makes it worse is that I did it myself, I have no-one else to blame but me, I did it myself. Imagine doing something to make yourself that devastated, humiliated and disgusted. That’s what made me keep going with the plan. And I hope to refer back to this feeling next time I fancy a binge.

Apologies for the long post, but this really struck a chord with me.
Again, thank you all so much for the lovely replies, it's nice (not in a horrible way) to know that I am not alone, although at the time that is all I did feel, very alone!
My best friends hubby brought me a bunch of flowers round yesterday as she rang and asked how my day out had been and with that I just cryed, so she sent him round with those which was lovely!
Then today the florists van turned up with a lovely bouquet from my hubby and children (I never told him how really hurt I was, and he never realised until he read my post on here last night!)
Well today has been good, or should I say I have been good, haven't even thought about food, I think saturday is engraved on my brain, which is where I want it to stay, as like many of you have said this will be my turning point!
Still feel s*** when I think about it BUT I certainly feel a lot better than I did yesterday, which I think is down to all your lovely posts so

Thank you all so so much x

Sally x
Hi Sally - you are so very welcome :)

think most of us have been where you are now....and know exactly how you're feeling.....hold on to those feelings of humiliation and despair....THEY will help you when the goin gets tough !!!

keep us posted with your progress hun :)

lotsa love

Debz xx
I'm so sorry, that must've been awful :( At least you know you can go back in a couple of months time and show them all that you CAN ride those rides!

And the ones that you had trouble with - I think they're just really tight anyway, because I remember the Spinball one really was very, very tight.

Anyway, hugs and good vibes - soon you'll be enjoy those rides :)
Aw bless not a nice day for you at all but certainly a day that should change you for the better. Thinking about that day while on this diet should keep you focused and strong. Then when you retrn to Alton Towers or somewhere else you will be slimmer and have no worries.

That was a truly awful experience for you. I was convinced airplane seats were being made smaller,until I realised it was me getting bigger.

take care dear and chin up, you can do this.....
Hi Everyone,
Well once again for all your posts of support and advice it is appreciated as I have said before.
Well today is day 2 and going very good, it has been such a long time since I have done 2 whole days straight!
Thanks again for your kind words and bring on day 3!

Sally x
You poor thing. Don't let it get you down and think of it as a turning point. Everything happens in life for a reason and maybe you needed this experience so you can look back and know that this will never happen again as next time you go to AT you will be a slim and able to go on all the rides that you want to. We have all experienced feeling like shi*t, like the time my boyfriend would not make love to me because he thought I was too fat and did not fancy me, or when I was told I had eaten enough chips in McDonalds, after a night out or when people I worked with called me fat cow and laughed at me, when my grandad called me a big round fat apple! But hey, without these bad experiences I would have never stuck to the diet - without them I would have just carried on, six stone heavier! It's a blessing in disguise. I think you have to hit rock bottom for this diet to work and last. Love bunnycd xxx
Umm, is your boyfriend still your boyfriend Bunny? That would take some getting over for me.
Hi Sally, lots of love and hugs sent to you hun xxx I'm almost crying with ya.

I wish you good luck with your journey ahead, you can do this.

best wishes, hope you're feeling better about that terrible experience.
Thanks Sophia-Jo,
Well I have now completed day 3 and went for a little pop in tonight and have lost 4 pounds so I am a very happy bunny!

go on sally stick to it and remember this day and you will succeed to your goal you have great support behind you and lots of love around you all the best you can do it xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx