I Love Me....

Sounds like you really have things worked out to suit you. :D That is really great.
I am really happy for you. You are in such a positive mind and it is so great that you have so much support.

I think we all have worst decisions, mine is usually staying for dinner at my ex-husband's... For a diabetic you think he would be a bit healthier.... But I feel rude saying no all the time and also taking my own food hehe.

I can't wait to see how you do this week.

My daughter tends to check things after eating too hehe and she did the same thing at her dad's (she tends to eat more treats there...). He bought a packet of biscuits and she thought that it wouldn't hurt to have a couple. Ended up having 4 and they turned out to be 4 Syns each hehe.
She does like her treats so I keep trying to come up with ways for healthy low Syn treats so that she doesn't feel she has to binge out so much. She is slowing getting there at her pace. :)
Awww bless her .... its hard to plan snacks becuase snacls are supposed to be spontanious!

Did realy well at the gym yesterday pushed my self that little further

So here goes:

Worst decision
Not bringing something to eat for after I had been to the gym, by the time I got home I was shaking

Best Decision
Pushing through the heat at the gym and burning 440 cals on 3 machines and a swimming pool

I love being in control of my body
What is wrong with me :

2 pieces of wholmeal bread with marg (8)
50g miget gems (10)
white chocolate cookie (6.5)
2 packs of walkers crisp (14)
Fajita pasty (21.5)
1 custard cream (3)

Absoluetly disgusting. I don't even know what posses me to do it. 63 syns in one sitting .... not even day just one sitting. ! matched in one sitting the amount of syns I;ve had all week!

Worst Decison
Full on 4th August "im stressed" BINGE no need for it at all! I need to grow up and get some self control!

Best Decison
Dealing with what I did and not giving in to the "guilty nausea". Then after all that updating my food diary.

Ok now to brush off the 4th and get on with the 5th :)
1 measly lb... I'm not taking my weightloss serious enough... roll onb week 2 of the 8th month of the year :)

Onwards and upwards (hopefully no the scales)
10th August 2011

worst decision:

The cheese laden Pannini and oil laden bag of posh crisps I indulged in ...only to be left still hungry ...very frustrating

Not filling in my food diary and seeing for myself the syn damage - suppose I will have to do that now :(

Best Decsion

My 40 min powerwalk and 1 hour zumba class with a lovely 644 calorie burn :)
I just don't seem to be able to do this

I'm so disheartened

I'm officially struggling!

Its all or nothing with me so this week is 2 slim fasts a day and a healthy dinner.

I'm gonna test my self control to the max for a kick start and get back to plan the follwoing week...just in time fo rthe magazine :)
You seem to be trying so hard, maybe too hard?

I remember when I joined a club in 2009, I even paid for 10 weeks... It wasn't a good time as my bad was still pretty bad but I thought with the diet alone it should be fine. I tried really hard, I never strayed once, yet I was putting on a lb at every weigh-in. It really got me down and I left with still about 4 weeks worth paid for.
I just don't think my head was in it really. Not then.

The thing I found about Slimming World is that it doesn't need to be hard work. Once you know the basics the rest falls into place, you can even Syn and as long as you take it into account it will work. But I think you need to be mentally ready for it.
I am always ready to lose weight but doesn't mean I am ready to diet. If that makes any sense hehe.

Maybe just enjoy things a bit more and not feel so pressured? If you Syn then well you have Syned (is that a word? lol).

Oh another thing, I had a gain a couple of weeks ago. I was stilling following SW but I had 3 green days. I found they don't work too well for me so no idea why I did that. Well I do, green days are easy I think and I didn't want to be cooking all the time, it's nice to have veg out days and not much cooking. Also the food that are free on green days are the foods that leave me feeling horrible and bloated.
Even though I was still following SW I put on weight, I was even walking 30+ minutes a day, 5 days a week.
But now I am back to red days and losing weight again.
I can't advise on EE days as I never did them, I like following red days but maybe a general look at the type of days you have?

I wish I could help more.
You are exactly right...I'm making it really hard for myself with really unrealistic weekly goals!

I need to get my head in the right place.

I have only ever done extrta easy i'm going to wait until the end of the week and aybe introduce a few red days next week.

I stayed to class and felt so much better about my week after.

Thank you very much for taking the time out to encourage me.
I'm feeling quite wonderful ... eating isn't perfect nor is trying to keep up with my food diary...

But I'm really pushing my self in reagrds to how much effort i put into my exercise 266 calories to go before I'm half way through my calorie goal of 6000 for this month :) Thats fantastiv for me so proud of my self ...and my heart rate monitor :)

I've decided I need a week of sacrafice to get myself back in the swing of things and to appreciate the variety and generosity of SW if done PROPERLY!

My mum has joined alimming world a month ago and has lost 11lb so far and is aiming for her stone this week! I;m so proud of her buty she has put me to shame :(

This week I'm concentrating on burning 2000 calories and having as a big a loss as I can!

I'm only eating homemade meals

I'm having fruit for breakfast

I'm working out EVERYDAY

I'm NOT giving into cravings.

I know its only Monday but watch this space I mean business this week! Its make or break week :)
I have reaches 1 goal for my month and I'm so happy ....

I burnt 6000 planned exercise calories and I am so proud of myself I really really am WELL DONE JODIE

As for the rest ofmy monthly goals

Lose 14lb - lost 1 lb :(

Its definelty the food becuase my exercise has been fantastic

But guess what! ITS A NEW MONTH !!!!!!! NEW GOALS!!!!! ANOTHER CHANCE :)

Today is going to be fantastic