Hi Fiona,
Sometimes we use food as a sedative against the pains and hurts of this world and it does work for a little while giving momentary relief.
The down side is that our bodies can't handle the excess calories that we don't use up in energy and the weight piles on.
As an emotional eater myself I know that my appetite for more grows as I try to feed the emotions with food, hoping that if I eat enough food I will bury all my hurt and pain and it will go away, but it does not work like that as I have found out...
Talking with a professional really does help as they have come across people like us so many times and it is nothing new to them and a good professional can help guide you through your valley of darkness out into the light where things don't look so bad or hopeless.
Your not alone and you have us to talk to as well who can understand where you are as most of us have been there at some point in our lives.
I have cried buckets and felt so overwhelmed at times, just wondering would I ever get my life back again...
A chain of events took place and one thing lead to another and now one year later I am five stone down. This last year has been transformation for me and has at times been very tough going, it was not always plain sailing as I got ship wrecked a couple of times.
But with support and help from others that had gone ahead of me and charted the unknown waters, they have made it that bit easier for me to follow in their wake as it drags me along at times when I feel I am going around in circles.