I will be a runner again

I got back from Manchester quite late and thought 'I'll run anyway!' So I managed a whole 4 minutes before admitting defeat and walking home - my body was too tired for more, and I hadn't stretched properly beforehand, so while I'm disappointed I'm not surprised. Tomorrow I have no plans until the evening, I'll try and do the whole jog then.
It was hard, but not a killer - then again I paced myself better today than I did yesterday. The ground was quite muddy which slowed me down, in a way this probably helped my pacing. Still, drier ground would make things a bit easier! Day 2's going to be interesting, then again I didn't think I could manage a 3-minute jog or a 5-minute one, so I'm clearly getting better at this.
I was surprised that it didn't feel like a killer, I'll admit that I was breathing quite hard about halfway through though. Still, it feels good. A friend of mine says that she loves running but has very low stamina, but when I suggested she join me she says that she doesn't much like jogging. To be honest neither do I, but I see it as a step closer to running, which I do quite enjoy.
Week 5 done!
W5D3 wasn't as bad as I'd thought - I jogged fairly slowly, and after a few minutes got into a rhythm where I didn't feel I was tiring myself too much. At the end I felt so pleased, then after a few minutes' walk felt really energetic and pumped! Still feel like I have a bit of energy, which is good. Maybe I should've jogged earlier in the day, since it seems a bit of a waste having energy now that it's evening!
Strictly speaking I should've done this yesterday, but given that yesterday evening was the university's Ball that I attend each year, I didn't have time to fit in a run and shower before going to help with preparations. The Ball was great fun, but I ate and drank more than I should've - consequently my tummy didn't feel great when jogging. Still, better than not going for a jog at all - I was tempted by that option, but it would be harder to get back into routine if I took a 2-day break, I feel.
I got back exhausted from my day-long training course - by the time I felt recovered, it was 9pm and getting dark. I had a fair bit of energy, so I jogged indoors since my housemates were all out (they're still not back, I wonder where they are) - not sure if it was as effective as if I'd gone outdoors, but could feel my muscles working and my heart rate going up. I have the course again on Thursday but am free on Friday, so I might save W6D3 until then. We'll see how I feel.
Well, it's been a while!
W6D3 done - so I started jogging indoors on the Friday, then 8 minutes' in got a phone call about a reunion that a friend and I were hosting that evening. So that put paid to that jog, and the rest of the day was spent sorting out stuff for the reunion. The next day I went on holiday with my mum to Spain - had such a lovely time, and no jogging then. We got back yesterday, and spent the rest of the day sorting out admin. Today I got back to my house from my parents', and did W6D3. Maybe it's the lack of recent exercise, but while my muscles didn't hurt much on the run (tummy hurt a fair bit, though), my legs are now quite sore. Tomorrow I might take a bath and see if that soothes them. Maybe should've gone back to an easier run to break into it again...
I was exhausted by the end of the 25mins, more so than I did a few days ago. Then again I've felt really tired all day, and am still feeling drowsy. I overslept a bit which maybe didn't help, I might have an early night and see if I feel more alive tomorrow.
Well done both of you, you're doing amazingly! When I started out I didn't think I'd be able to go for over a minute without stopping, we've all come along so far!
Yes we all should be proud, bring on w6 for me tomorrow, I am looking forward to the challenge. Can I ask, has any of you lost weight or size? I seem to have an increase in appetite which has resulted in zero weight Loss in fact I've actually put on 3 lb :( :(
Weight seems to be fluctuating a little, on the other hand my thighs are a lot firmer so I can see some benefit there.
Yesterday should've done another 25-mins, but felt really run down and unmotivated. Today I felt better, but didn't feel motivated - could've overcome this but chose not to, and hung out with housemates all evening. Tomorrow I really must not make any excuses.
Keep going you are doing so well, I keep looking out of window seeing it lashing down with rain and dreading it but each time I've done a big run now it's been heavy rain and apart from the puddles in my shoes I find it keeps me cool and refreshed.w6 done
W7D2 finally done! Yesterday I didn't feel motivated to jog, and didn't feel that I could bring myself to go outside. I stayed indoors after work and binge-ate: I haven't been on a binge for weeks, and felt absolutely rotten during and afterwards. Today I'm trying to have a clean slate, so healthy breakfast, jog, and will now have bath before healthy lunch. Is the plan, which I'm going to try and force myself to stick to until the urges to binge leave.
Week 7 done! Lacked motivation and am still in binge-cycle, forcing myself to jog is helping though. So a mixed day - good exercise, really bad eating. I'm away for a few days in Scotland with family from Thursday, so week 8 starts at the end of the weekend/early next week?
Cuqsuita said:
Week 7 done! Lacked motivation and am still in binge-cycle, forcing myself to jog is helping though. So a mixed day - good exercise, really bad eating. I'm away for a few days in Scotland with family from Thursday, so week 8 starts at the end of the weekend/early next week?

You sound so much like me...I wish I could just stick to healthy eating but working in a petrol station 4 eves a week I'm surrounded by rubbish choices, it's easier said than done to take food with you.keep up the running it will all come together in the end I keep telling myself that and anyhow it's better to be fit and have a few pounds to spare than skinny and not being able to run a meter