Total Solution I WILL be skinny!!!

I thought I'd start a little diary as I'm only on day 3 and I'm struggling big time!!

First two days weren't too bad!! I haven't felt hungry at all!! But it was so quiet at work today and people around eating food I couldn't get it out of my mind!! Ever time I think of food I then think of how I currently would look in a bikini!! It's my friends hen doo in 12 weeks abroad so need to do this properly!!

I'm not sure if I'm in K yet and it's only the 3rd day!! But I'm not hungry and unfortunately have the bad breathe symptoms!! I just feel so light headed!! I'm drinking plenty of water but feeling sick and the thought of drinking a shake is yuk!

Ive done Cambridge in the past and lost well on it, so I hope I do the same on Exante!!

Think I'm gona keep a diary on here to keep me motivated! I have 10 weeks and would like to lose around 2stone at first! 2.5 if I can do it!!!

It'll be hard as I love food sooooo much!!

Just need to get through the next few days, hopefully seeing some loss in the scales next week will help!!

Lose weight, then maintain is my plan!!

So currently I have two friends over and eating in my lounge: popadoms starter curry rice chips and nann!!! Well jealous!!!!

I have resisted though!!! So proud of myself!!! If I can get through tonight I'll be fine ;) xx
Well done you my mates just ate kebabs etc and i said no im fine. I was jus sitting there thinking how many calories there scoffing which put me right off. Its sooo empowering when you say no to food
Day 4

Feel a lot better today! Not sick at all! Wet to tracks and got some meal replacement bars and some flavored water.

So far I've had one shake and a bar - saving last shake till later on!! Not hungry at all though!! - which I'm pleased about!!

I had a sneaky peak on my mums scales this morning (i weighed myself on them last Tuesday evening) I've lost 4pounds since then!!! Which In 3.5days I think that's pretty good?? Would love to get to half a stone by my official WI day!!

Mum and dad are really supportive and can't believe I managed to get through last night with my friends stuffing their faces!!!

Haven't done any exercise yet, was going to go for a walk but it's so cold and the snow is coming down quite heavily - so maybe do Zumba on the wii later

You're doing great :) just wanted to pop in and say hi and good luck ;)
wii zumba is great, sounds like you are doing a really good job - well done. When is your weigh in day? x
Chazsucks said:
wii zumba is great, sounds like you are doing a really good job - well done. When is your weigh in day? x

Thanks! Just woke up! Not hungry at all!!

My weigh in day is Tuesday! But not till the evening! My scales are at my mums so I can't cheat so I can only go over in the evening which is crap! My have to just buy my own and keep them locked away :) x
Lol! Yeh but cheating isn't always bad, i used to be really good and weigh once a week but I started this diet again yesterday and today weighed and its spurred me on for the day :D
Chazsucks said:
Lol! Yeh but cheating isn't always bad, i used to be really good and weigh once a week but I started this diet again yesterday and today weighed and its spurred me on for the day :D

Actually my wi day is Wednesday! Thought I started earlier than I did lol! I think u need to at the beginning to give you the boost! I'm excited for Wednesday! I'd be happy with 7lbs in total! Fingers crossed!'
Day 5

All fine today, had a shake this morning and plenty of water. Just having a cup of black tea and a bar, but i can't manage it all!! I'm eating it so slowly and I'm completely full! Gona save the rest till later.

I think it's a good way to teach me to eat my food slower, as it defo fills you up!!

All I've been watching this morning is cooking programmed. But I'm actually in a really positive way - when I do start to have food again I'm gona maintain it properly!! And very excited about eating healthily foods.

I eat a lot of junk food!! Or at least I did!! I'm gona get recipes ready and eat so much enter than I use too!

I know I'm only on day 5 and have like another 8 or 9 weeks in this - depending on weight loss, but I just keep thinking of the end result!!!

Gona go brave the snow now!! X
So half way through the day and I'm feeling pretty Sick. I'm finding I kinda do at the time of the day and the evening. And really struggle to have make shake later on. I'm drinking plenty of water! I hope the sickness feeling passes soon x
Day 6

Today was fine. Felt a little dizzy walking up the stairs to work this morning but I hadn't drank or eaten anything. The day was busy and there was drama drama drama at work so a good distraction!

Came home and didn't have my shake till just! Not hungry at all!!

Tummy making some weird noises at the moment lol!

WI tomorrow evening - excited!

Haven't been the toilet for a few days though, so may need to keep on eye on that! Hope it doesn't effect my weight lose too much :)