IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

Mmm maybe it is a bit early to go and heat up my cottage pie!
nah as long as you have df things to nibble on later.

So where do you stay in the uk and why do you have to cook?
Chocobeurre for me, and dark chocolate coconut for the other half!

I'll be in England for Christmas... much harder dietwise than here as the French don't really bother the same way. A big meal on 24th evening, a roast on 25th and that's about it. Very low key much to our surprise when we stayed here one Christmas and got to the supermarket at opening time (8.30am) on Christmas Eve and were the only ones in the carpark (my sister had texted us 3 hours previously having finished hers overnight and told us about the queues in the middle of the night in Tesco!)

That's my way of doing Christmas!

Christmas eve here with just us, eating what we want then Christmas day lunch with in-laws at his sisters where she does all the cooking despite my offers of help:p, we're back home by 6 pm (or earlier if she's not in a good mood...) and have chicken noodle soup (with hardly any noodles!) for dinner because we can't face anything else.

I love Christmas, but 24 hours is enough, thank you, although I will start thinking about the preparation now that November is upon us.

The shops here are copying the UK more and more though, the toy catalogues are in the letter boxes already - used to be late November. I couldn't believe the Christmas lights were in place in town when I was back in Aberdeen. Hallowe'en wasn't even past. Just silly.
I agree Laura. december for decorations and no earlier!
I dont do decorations.
My dad goes beserk enough for the whole world, so my place stays chrimbo free :D
Oh my they look gorgeous yum
Crikey!! That's your Dad's place already? or last year?

Vicky - ohhh I see what you mean. I thought you meant tonight who was cooking for me!! In England, my sister's cooking this year on 25th... but I'll be her kitchen boy. She's a vegetarian too so, while I admire her for opting to cook a big meat dinner for us, I like to be close at hand to decide when the meat's cooked!

Otherwise it'll be me most of the time because I stay at my Dad's and he's nearly 80... (no Mum :-()... hence we eat out a lot and lose the plot more still...

The lights are in the trees here in Paris but thankfully not yet lit. December is soon enough methinks.
Its a previous year, he'll wait til december.
Lights are on here, Barbara Windsor came to switch em on last week.

Will you be off plan for the duration of your stay?
xmas lights lol..............mine dont go up till the weekend after the littlests birthday on the 1st......I love christmas
Morning Jo. Did you stay off plan all last xmas ? me and jaq are nosey arent we ?

how are you today? its freezing here considering it was like a sauna in my house after doing my cross trainer!
Hello there... it's really hard thinking about Christmas and how to plan dieting and living happily around it at the moment...

I've tried previously sticking to diets, and with my OCD and need to preplan everything (unless I have to go to the supermarket for 3H every day in Christmas rush), drove everyone bonkers and ended up not eating half of it and going with the flow with everyone else anyway... Staying with others is half the trouble. Staying with others who don't plan ahead is the rest...

At noon on a given day, my father has no idea what he's eating for lunch. (Maybe most people are like this!) As he's unlikely to have done any shopping (except for bread, potatoes and boy things you might find in tins or the freezer), if I don't plan and shop, it's not happening.

I end up chasing my tail, getting annoyed, irritating everyone intensely, and then giving up.

So I expect that'll happen again.

BUT the aim is to look after myself only; ignore everyone else and let them eat mud if they've not bought anything.
LOL Jo. Im not sure how people can be like that either. My bf is the same - hence he ends up getting pizza/kebab/takeaway around 9 at night (not at mine he doesnt!) ive always been a planner. its the OCD again.
I knew you'd understand Vicky... but the problem is that other people don't. Don't want to be organised or have to think about what they're eating the following day... but darn and blast it, if I just buy and plan for myself, it's wrong! pfft! But I think, for harmony in the household, it's better that way for everyone else's sake!!

I've even had it said to me - and I know they're right - that I'm more "fun" when I'm eating... yep. I'm sure I am!
Back here from Bren's diary where the conversation turned to me me me so thought I'd come back to me space:

I'm thinking that, after this long weekend, I'm gonna have to do something more drastic because I'm allowing myself too many little things which are now starting to add up apparently. 73.7K on the scales this morning... yet still haven't eaten chocolate, bread or any trigger foods. Darn and blast! OK I don't normally weigh on a Tuesday so don't have a gauge...
Have you heard from Sarah Vicky?
I havent Jo - ill give her a text now.
I suppose you will have to get food in to be prepared for everyone. If you dont mind cooking or shopping?
what have you been having jo? are your menus on the menu thread or you not writing them down?
The lower weight we get im afraid the less we can eat so possibly you either need to get in that swimming pool at night or take some off your portions?
OR is it your (im the same) body saying this is it? this is your weight?
Cheers Vicky - she will know we're waiting for news I'd have thought! Bated breath here!!

Today and tomorrow are PP... I'm not angelic by any means at the weekend, but a 4lb increase after a PP seems unfair without having eaten that much in the grand scheme of things. Definitely eating more than I should but just imagine if I ate "normally" or "over ate".

I fear us serial low carbers are in it for the duration, alas, Vicky... the slightest thing at the weekend and we'll see our weight go up unnaturally.

Yet despite knowing this, my inclination is to go back into ketosis nonetheless to get some weight off once and for all before Christmas! Maybe...
I do think veggies do cause water gain (not weight) thats why on atkins i seem to be retaining more water than i did on Dukan.
You can go into ketosis still eating veg you know - i do on atkins!

Ah an idea. What about 1 week without your muffins for breakfast???????????????????????????????????????????????? (dont shout!)
Didn't you eat veggies on Dukan then Vicky? As for "water weight" or "weight", it's on the scales so it's the same thing isn't it? Most normal people are not in ketosis and so their weight is their weight, water 'n' all. Yet us low carbers only smile if we've wrung all the water out of our cells?

I do eat a lot of veg and fruit at the weekends, that's true. I'm not in ketosis though Vicky cos I eat fruit after 2 x PPs to ensure I don't go there.

I can't see the point in taking away something which fills me up well and replacing it by something that mightn't... which would cause even more problems for me if I'm even hungrier at lunchtime :-(

My treats have crept up, yes. But 4lbs worth after 1PP no! But you're like me - you can gain a lot in a short time. OK we can say "water weight" but if, say, now we stopped dieting. That weight is ON and here to stay...

Yes i ate veggies on Dukan but you know me only 2 pv days. yes its still weight on but with seeing water/muscle/fat ratios being good to me it keeps me positive (as again i know exercising at the start puts water weight on you) its body fat im looking at more for me. If i weigh what i do now but am much less body fat ill be happy. knowing that im toned and not wobbly. does that make sense??? LOL

what treats do you have - fruit? is that a treat lol.