IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

I was a brownie and a guide, though i can't for the life of me remember my uniform. I do remember going to some lady's house to cook fish fingers chips and peas for my cook's badge though.

Brilliant, though I suppose they wouldnt want to call it the heating up badge :p

Hope you get it scrumps.

School dinners are where my eating problems began - changed schools to a place with AWFUL ones and mum making me have them due to the teachers strikes kicking packed lunch kids out. Hiding food, disguising food, puking it up....
Gosh Jaq. Funnily enough, aside from the pink custard, and sultanas or currants in the rice pudding, I don't have bad memories of school dinners (although must have hated them cos switched to packed lunches). I do, however, remember being the only one with a healthy lunch (brown sandwich and fruit, rather than white sandwich, crisps and cake...). So I'd supplement at the tuck shop with my own money.
I think it was the shock, I'd been at a school with great food, where everyone had school dinners as there was no reason not to.
Moved to a new town, new school and it was all smash, reformed meat and frozen mixed veg. And they wouldnt let you go unless you ate half :mad:
Not the best evening for me. I rang my OH as I left the office and heard from his tone that things weren't well at the homestead - kitchen sink completely blocked. But TOTALLY blocked. None of the remedies we have to hand have made the slightest difference - and the blockage seems to be a few metres away as removing the pipe under the sink does not help. (Not the first time this has happened - tall building, old pipework - but we can usually sort it ourselves.) OK plumber required. But we're going away today, have a cat sitter coming in (who'll have to use the bathroom to wash up!) and, on our return, OH is going away. Hmm. Strategic planning to get them to come Tuesday (when I'm supposed to be sleeping off the 23 hour Monday!!)

By the way, anyone with children - send them to "plumber school". Given the prices they charge just to come, they're onto a good thing (which is why we let a small problem become a big one aaaah!)

oooh and a pound off ;)

Uk eating is planned out. Taking my own cooked chicken, some cooked some raw steak, boiled eggs, muffins. One gala meal which will bring me out of ketosis but then care will be exercised. Funeral day, Monday, will eat only "Jo food". In the car on the way, avoid the after funeral food, then car again, boat, car... aaah! Lots of food to carry with me but it's all planned!

Hoping not to see too much damage from one f+c meal :D
Arrrrgh for the pipe. Totally agree about kids doing trades. I'm sure tradespeople are happier and better off than most.

Hope the weekend goes as well as it can given the reason youre going. Please dont put too much pressure on yourself. And do be rude as soon as possible if saboteurs start on you.

And yay for the pound off.

Safe journey.
Hi Jo

have a good trip (ok as good as a funeral can be of course) and well done on the planning!

the plumbing - aaargh :mad: Good luck for Tuesday!

The lb off - WELL DONE - when are you going to stop ;)?
boo to the plumbing! yay to the lb Jo - thats fantastic :)
Hope your time back here is ok as it can be xxxx
well done on the lb skinny
Sorry to hear about the blockage. I'm sure that plumbing problems are contagious at the moment! (My nephew is actually on a plumbing course but he lives too far away.)

I hope that all goes well on your visit back here, Jo, and especially with the funeral. I just wish your reason for coming over had been a happier one.
safe trip hun xxxx
Thank you Jaq - particularly re the rudeness suggestion. I wonder if it might all be far more easy if I were just plain rude. Will let you guys know!!

Plumber booked for 9am and forewarned of EXACTLY what he'll need to bring (to hopefully spare me the empty handed "oh I'll have to go back to my van three times" idiocy I had last time -in a tower block with lifts and security codes, there's 1/2 hour extra time I have to pay for!!)

Can't believe I'm busy today workwise too!

2.5 hours until I leave... eating now... See you all Wed if I disappear - not first thing, mind, cos I'll have a pile of cr*p on my desk!
Ha love the way you have told your plumber what he needs!
safe trip jo be thinking of you xxx
(I did have a little help with the vocab on that one!!!!).

thanks Vick! Speak next week!
Two fingers up to the plumbing - not been the kindest of weeks for pipes!

Hear you re the trades - the way things are just now is definitely the way forward - houses will still be built, need to be maintained, etc, etc, but our eldest wants to be a fireman (in France). Still things may change (unfortunately, firemen still more than needed too).

Safe journey Jo, will be thinking of you and hope that it doesn't take too long to get over the long Monday.
Last night, in the midst of the plumbing nightmare, I decided nonetheless to go ahead with my CHicken, steak, tofu yoghurt cake, goji muffins ATHON... (oh the washing up was fun in the bathroom sink!). When I got to the stage of putting the gojis in the muffins, no sign of them. Oh darn it, they're in the tofu yoghurt cake! At that price, I could do without wasting them! haaaa!

Anja - you might well ask - I'm abusing and overeating Dukan at the moment so really not proud of myself... definitely not the sort of behaviour to encourage me to let the last arm band go and swim on my own. I'd definitely sink!

thanks all!
Safe journey Jo, hope everything goes ok for you - will be thinking of you, & have fun with mouse tomorrow!
Just a quickie to let you know that I'm back... and awake (but felt rather "jet lagged" this morning!

My long weekend was good... but short on sleep! Saturday, I met Mouse (who'd baked me a quark filled Dukan victoria sandwich cake - YUM and thank you! it helped me no end! The eggs were delicious too - the yolks so yellow.) My sister loved you too (as of course do I) and we must do it again! I stuck to PP on Saturday.

Sunday, I had a tantrum at the breakfast table when my father innocently queried whether I was really going to eat "all that" (my Dukan muffins) when we were going out for fish and chip lunch. I basically told him he'd given me my eating disorder with his stupid throwaway comments and to get off my case! I then wanted to cry because he'd managed to make me feel GREEDY that I could want to eat fish+chips three hours after eating ALL THOSE muffins! grrr! Still, I walked the 7.5km to the restaurant - but he'd spoiled the event for me, and I ate the rest of the day (strawberries, cream + meringues planned... and a second lot (unplanned) and some biscuits late on.

Monday I managed to PP through the 4 hour drive to the funeral... diet coke and a chicken leg at the wake...; and a lot of salmon, beef, eggs etc throughout the LONG journey back here.

PP again today. Damage? I'm feeling tummy podge there where there wasn't on Friday when I left. But I did the best I could.

Note to self: when people make comments to me, I don't hear them as they are intended so it's MY problem rather than theirs. I must rise above it and simply respond "yes I'm a pig" or whatever they want to hear rather than torment myself forever after and then not enjoy a planned treat.

Delighted to see Grovergirl is back - lovely surprise for me!

Tomorrow - back at work and boss will have left. Won't be around until lunchtime I shouldn't think. :D
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Welcome back Jo! Glad to have you around again.... five days is a long time in dieting!!! Family... I can't help behaving like a 15-year-old adolescent around my parents at the best of times, so you were positively 'Mother Teresa'!

Dying to read and catch up properly.
Welcome back lovely Jo