IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

best of luck today Jo xxxxx
Good luck, hope you survived today!!
Tiptoeing in... they're being very kind for now, and I'm not swamped... but I'm looking busy ;)
Amazingly I nearly had to work late last night (boo hiss - that would have been the first time in quite a few years, and I wouldn't have liked that! haaaa!). Anyway it'll make a change to have stuff waiting for me when I arrive in the morning.

Yesterday's PP went fine - and so another will follow - I don't want ketosis (well I do, but oughtn't cos next week more guests and meals etc etc), but I do need control back.

I got on the scales this morning - I know I gain a lot once I start so here's hoping that some of the incredible 70.7K registered (something in the region of 4K gained in 2 days!) disappears quickly! I've seven days... should be possible?!

Hot day forecast today... so I'm in a skirt :D
Ophthalmo appointment tonight for annual check up - hope don't need to change glasses!
Do anyone's scales measure bone mass? It's the one measurement my scale's instructions don't tell you about.
Do anyone's scales measure bone mass? It's the one measurement my scale's instructions don't tell you about.

That would be very useful indeed, Mouse. My mum has osteoporosis and I'm in my 40's now, so wouldn't mind knowing where I stand on bone density.

These sooperdooper scales which tell you all kinds of things fascinate me. I can't for the life of me understand how they work - but my brain is not terribly scientific.
Mine measure it, but the instruction book doesn't tell you what is the normal range. Mine is 4, but my OH is 6.5!
Mine measure it, but the instruction book doesn't tell you what is the normal range. Mine is 4, but my OH is 6.5!

Very strange. I've done a quick google and it doesn't appear to tally with the T-test (normal result is 0 for a 30 year old) - unless your bone is extremely dense. It sounds as though the scales manufacturers must have developed their own scoring system.

Hmmm...this is tempting me to actually bite the bullet and buy a new set of scales as I hadn't realised it was even possible to measure this using them.
I have just been and looked and the measurement is bone mass - not quite sure how it works, but mine is always 4.
I'm not convinced about fancy scales, and find it hard enough to find scales to give you accurate weigh ins if you step on them twice. On mine, for instance, I seem "low" on the old H2O (yet drink 3-4L... much to my GP's horror!). I now just look at the numbers provided by my scales (body fat in grammes, body fat percentage, H20) and smile! My body fat percentage is awful too - 35% something
69.9K today so off it comes... Third PP today but thought I'd better as my hand NEARLY went out for a chocolate yesterday when they were wafted under my nose!

I'm getting more settled in my new office - have figured out where the nearest fridge, coffee machine and loos are, and although it still feels very strange to be a "new person" again after all these years in the same firm, it's more sociable and I see more people in the main building, and this might well help me with the food stuff too. Previously, I tended to hide away at my desk typing on the forum, eating on my own (as I did when EATING, intentional caps). Now it's less convenient to do so (more open office), and I've nice people to eat my tupperwares of food with, so ...

Eye test A-OK which pleased me (finances!). I admitted that I could not read as well without glasses as I could last year, and thought that might mean I needed permanent ones. He said not at all, cos my vision hasn't changed since last year so I just need a slight correction for close work, BUT that I need to put them on if I can't read (supermarket labels, texts etc), rather than holding my hand out as far as possible to read (aaah I just need longer arms!). OH however has a problem with eye pressure and has drops for 15 days to put in, then a retest of the pressure. If second bad eye pressure reading, it can apparently lead to optic nerve damage and glaucoma, so action required. (Laser? treatment in his office? Will depend on extent of problem.)

All in all, from the leaflet he gave us, glad to be having annual check ups and we ALL should.
I have just been and looked and the measurement is bone mass - not quite sure how it works, but mine is always 4.

How frustrating that they don't explain the rating in the instructions so you know what's what with the score. Mind you, you could always use it as a benchmark, so that if it starts getting lower you could perhaps ask your GP for a test. Could be a good warning indicator.
well done on keeping away from the choc Jo xxxx are you low low carb with being pp? or keeping it up with yogs etc?
Sometimes I wish that chocolate had never been invented, Jo (But only sometimes.) It's evilly tempting stuff.

Glad to hear that the new office is working out. Must be nice to work somewhere they actually speak to each other! (I don't know how you put up with the old one, must have been dreadful.)

My dad always forgets his glasses and ends up peering at things from a mile away. I'm expecting the old farsightedness to catch up with me before too long. At the moment, I still feel as though I'm in a miracle, having had laser correction of my myopia almost 10 years ago.

Fingers crossed that your OH's second ocular pressure test result is a good one.
My body fat is 35 (although it was 42 when I first got the scales). It seems mad that it is still so high when I am so much closer to that elusive BMI of 25. But then it's all just numbers.
morning hunnnnnn xxxxxxxxxxx
Glad that the new office is a success, Jo and good news on the glasses front too. Hope everything is OK for your OH.

For healthy bones, I was told to walk as much as possible and keep my calcium levels good. Are bone scans recommended after a certain age as standard?
Morning! Vicky, see p.606 of your diary to see the version of my post they left, after butchering (moderating?) it. Very annoyed.com. Happy Friday to you, and your first weekend in (how many?) years as a single girl :D I'm about 50g carb cos doing my typical Dukan PPs (40g with yog, fb... plus gojis). No point cutting back further - it only comes back on with brass knobs on!! Today PV though and am eating at my desk cos then I can type on here to you lot!

Morning all!
Mouse - I put the light on this morning (cos OH was in the little room) and saw that my body fat is 35.8%. HUGE! I think I preferred not knowing!

68.9K this morning :D No plans to eat anything but Dukan food this weekend (have we ever?!), and no alcohol. I'm also going to switch my Japanese takeaway to sashimi, from sushi, and give the rice away! An extra bit of salmon will stop me from feeling deprived!

This weekend, lots of BORING houseworky type things to do at the house - the sort of things we think we ought to do when housewifey females (who don't work, and have ages to clean their houses!) are coming to stay!!