IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

I'll be over from 22nd to 2nd inc :) No Bank Holidays over here - not even for 25th or 1st as they fall again at the weekend alas. I had thought I'd maybe be "up north" at one point, visiting OH's family, but I seem to be more keen than he is so perhaps not!

Scrumps - I'm sure the lifestyle in Oz will help too, as it all seems rather more active and healthier eating too. Mind you, there is an Aussie Dukan group so there must be overeaters there too!

Yes I think most of us old timers (leastwise those of us who never got to Conso + Stab successfully!) realise that this can't be a plan for life. Unfortunately we were perhaps "duped" by the feelings of wellbeing (I never suffered like you Sarah!), and ease to lose weight and resist temptation, while in ketosis... but, alas, our issues with food were just waiting at the other end.

That's perhaps one thing newbies could look at, after a few weeks in Cruise at least, to see how to avoid old problems returning once out of ketosis. Hmm...
Hi Jo, great to see you back :) I am already thinking about the next phases and in a way, worrying about how I will cope introducing 'new' foods, will I be able to have a gala meal rather than turning it into a gala day/week. I've been trawling the diaries of those that went through the phases but still nervous. It's easy when you just know you can't have certain things - well, I'm still a couple months away from conso.....

Husband has the first week of the school holidays as leave which means he goes back to work on 26th. Which means that we will have to travel home on Christmas Day (going to my brother's, hopefully). He will try and get Boxing Day off too but not expecting miracles. Been told to consider himself lucky to have Christmas off as he was off last year too (normal when you have kids, no? He's happy to work New Year).

There ends the Christmas planning so far.

I'm going to see family/friends next month though - husband has a week off work and will be on children/house duties while I'm away. Will be nice to have something positive in October to look foreward to.
Morning everyone! Jo why is your coming over a taboo subject ?
had thought I'd maybe be "up north" at one point, visiting OH's family, but I seem to be more keen than he is so perhaps not!
ooh you will have to be more persuasive :D im off all xmas xxxxxx
I was just thinking we could all meet up somewhere half way but keep forgetting I'm going to be out of action around then!! Darn!
Welcome back :)
I am now officially one of the Cruisers who is struggling. Ever since my holiday its so tough, any reason to veer ( totm, family stress, work etc)
I keep telling myself I can do this and just going to take each day as it comes but didn't expect to find this so soon....:cry:
Hope your well
Morning everyone! Jo why is your coming over a taboo subject ?

Cos last year we had some people on the forum who hated Christmas and didn't like us talking about it - so I thought September might be pushing it!!
Vicky - The trouble with making driving plans for Christmas week is not knowing whether we'll have the same sort of weather as previous years! Besides, I thought you were going to organise a romantic break for you and your man over here? A friend (from minimims but not this forum) rented a fabulous little flat in the 6th arrt. Great situation, and hardly dearer than a hotel.

Robin - do you normally fly home? Or use the ferry?

Diamond - I'm so sorry to hear it. Are you in ketosis?

Couteaux - Anja, Robin, Poppy and DD have managed beautifully in Conso and Stab... (am I forgetting anyone?) I'm sure you'll join that group rather than those of us who are struggling! It's true that it's good to think ahead though.

BE - I'll try not to whinge too much. I deserve each and every one of my regained kilos... :)
Pretty sure Im back in Ketosis now, breath smells ( so hubbie tells me lol )

Been good the last few days but still so worried I'll be drawn or tempted to bad stuff again.

Saw a good loss on scales this morning and along with our holiday booked to Florida next year I'm hoping to stay strong!!

I love Christmas and never too early to talk about it lol
Vicky - The trouble with making driving plans for Christmas week is not knowing whether we'll have the same sort of weather as previous years! Besides, I thought you were going to organise a romantic break for you and your man over here? A friend (from minimims but not this forum) rented a fabulous little flat in the 6th arrt. Great situation, and hardly dearer than a hotel.

Robin - do you normally fly home? Or use the ferry?

Diamond - I'm so sorry to hear it. Are you in ketosis?

Couteaux - Anja, Robin, Poppy and DD have managed beautifully in Conso and Stab... (am I forgetting anyone?) I'm sure you'll join that group rather than those of us who are struggling! It's true that it's good to think ahead though.

BE - I'll try not to whinge too much. I deserve each and every one of my regained kilos... :)

- and Mouse is sort of trundling along ok!!!:D
We'll get a Christmas thread going once we're all in the mood... For now, the thought of all those cards to write is somewhat offputting!

EXCELLENT re bad breath. I find, once in ketosis, little can tempt me. Perhaps prepare yourself some nice Dukan desserts if you're wavering. I often make myself (what I laughingly call) a Mouse cake - Mouse's infamous goji victoria sandwich, with sweetened Philly Xlite butter cream! I now make them in advance, slice and freeze in portions! Easy then to grab one and defrost it (sucking off the ice!!) when I get desperate!
Mouse is always foremost in my mind... and not just because of that lovely cake!

I s'pose the hot tub won't be on offer in December huh?
Mouse is always foremost in my mind... and not just because of that lovely cake!

I s'pose the hot tub won't be on offer in December huh?

I'm not sure - I think K might pack it away for the winter, and because of what's happening in early December I don't think I'll be allowed in!
Jo, we have driven but it's 2000km so not ideal. Also, last time driving, we got caught up in fishermen striking on the way home, kids caught stomach bug on ferry on way there so husband now hates ferries. Plane then hire car much easier (although more expensive) but as I'm on my own I'll manage fine without the car, so very cost-effective.:D

I'm sure everything Christmassy will be in the shops by the time I get over there!
the caravan will now be the 'romantic getaway' x
CARAVAN? ooooh I hate (driving behind wobbly) caravans!!