If at first you don't succeed try, try, try and try again....

I had to sacrifice 2 chunky chips to eat it all, but it was worth it.

LOL what a decision to have to make! :D Sounds like a lovely weekend.

And well done for getting back in focus - planning and batch cooking are definitely a good way forward, that way if you don't feel like cooking and are tempted to go to the Dark Side, you've got something in the freezer :).
Ooooo steak sounds lush. Steak sometimes ain't too bad on a diet - depends what you have with it
Hi all. Well, as usual my focus is up and down. Some days have been easier than others, and I am still fluctuating between the same 3lbs! I am going to use MFP alongside SW this week, and see how I get on that way.

This week has been a struggle. I have just about managed to get myself to work, and keep things going there, but at home I have no motivation. My house needs a good tidy, but all I end up doing is looking at it, deciding I have no idea what to do and leave it at that! I have tomorrow off work, so I am going to get a ton of stuff to the recycling centre, and then I am off to see one of my best friends, so hopefully that will make me feel better.

I have planned out some of this weeks meals already, and made a shopping list. Although I forgot about lunches, so need to have a think about those. And there is to be no alcohol this week!! As that just makes me want to eat more!

New week, another new start!
Good luck Elanor!! I'm with you on the new start, Monday is day one. Let's do this xx
Thank you Claire! We can definitely do this!! Good luck to you too xx
Ahhhh....Mondays, the day of great intentions.
I need a good week too.

This week has been a struggle. I have just about managed to get myself to work, and keep things going there, but at home I have no motivation. My house needs a good tidy, but all I end up doing is looking at it, deciding I have no idea what to do and leave it at that!

I have planned out some of this weeks meals already, and made a shopping list. Although I forgot about lunches, so need to have a think about those. And there is to be no alcohol this week!! As that just makes me want to eat more!

New week, another new start!

Sounds like me.....kitchen is a disaster zone and a great excuse not to cook.
Work lunches are all that I have sorted, Vietnamese rice paper rolls with salad, egg and avocado made for today.
I'm a perpeptual "I'll start tomorrow" kind of person!

But, today has been a good Monday! I've stuck within my 1700 cals, and I went for a walk this afternoon. It was slow and my back really hurt, but I did it!

Day 1, done!!! (again!)
Well done for getting out. Always hard to start with, but makes it more rewarding when you realise a few weeks in how much progress you e made and notice how it doesn't hurt anymore
Oh hun don't worry about not doing housework, when it comes to prevarication I'm a gold medal winner :winner:. I usually need the 'push' that impending visitors brings :D.

Yes do be careful of your back, gentle exercise is the key - what about swimming?
The threat of my step-dad visiting usually works incredibly well in getting me to tidy :D

I'm not quite at the point of having the confidence to wear a swimming costume at the moment. If I could guarantee that no one would see me, then I would love to. I used to love swimming, but my lack of confidence has got in the way. My mum bought me a years National Trust membership as an early birthday present, so need to use that to go and visit places.

Another good day today. Within my calories, and ate really well. Dinner was simple, but lovely! Smoked salmon, with pasta, rocket and creme fraiche, with a squeeze of lemon juice! All logged on MFP :)
Hello Elanor, Sounds as though you have been through the mill at bit my love. Well done for getting back to it and your salmon dinner sounds lovely. You love your veggies so stuff 'em down you to fill you up.
What a lovely gift from your mum. You will get some walking milliag
Sending all my good wishes x
Lottie!! Lovely to hear from you! Hope you are doing well lovely lady :) x

Well, I am pretty certain, that my main talent in life is gaining weight, and eating crap for all I'm worth!! I weigh myself this morning, first time in 2 weeks, and I am scarily close to 19st! No wonder my back and hip hurt when I walk!!

As usual I have been making poor choices, and eating portion sizes that would be enough for 2 - 3 normal people. So, in another bid to eat less, I am going to try and reset myself by getting ready meals for dinner, and other convenience foods, like the Go Ahead bars for breakfast. Then add in some fruit and veg at breakfast and lunch time.

I know it might not be the best way, but I need to decrease how much I eat. And if I have food in the house that can make a meal for four people, then usually that will be one or two meals for me on my own! I have no self control, so I need to try and regulate myself. And buying things that are already portioned and calorie counted seems to worth a try. It won't be forever, just long enough to adjust to smaller portions, and to hopefully lose a stone or two and feel more comfortable in myself. Then I should be able to walk further, and exercise will help me once I get back to cooking properly etc.

This time last year I was a size 16, and about 13.5 to 14 stone, and I really want to be back there again. I just need the part of my brain that is sabotaging me to stop, and regain control of myself. Again!!
Yep portion size is my problem too. Why not talk to your consultant or some SW people on here and see what they do to manage it?

Then tell the rest of us :D
Hello! Me again!

It's been a while since I posted, mainly because things have gone downhill. I'm struggling to keep my head in the game. I'll have the occasional good day, but overall each day is full of too much bad food, and often wine!!

I have recently tried Weight Watchers for the 2nd time this year, but it just doesn't suit me. So I am going to Calorie Count for a while and see how I get on. Plus, it's free.

I saw my Mum and Step-dad for the first time in 3 months this weekend. They said they didn't realise how much I'm struggling. We walked to a restaurant last night, and I felt like I'd never made it. I was out of breath, my legs felt heavy and my back was in so much pain. They have offered to pay for a gym membership. They also helpfully (not), pointed out that I really need to do something!! They mean well. But they don't understand what it's like to be over-weight, and the psychological impact of it. I'm now home, and feeling really low.

I'm going to take it a day at a time. I'm at a point where I can't see that I'm going to succeed. I am going to try though. I have to! I hate not being able to walk very far, I hate that my smaller clothes no longer fit, and I hate feeling this negative about myself.

It's felt good to write this. I am going to try and use my diary again, as writing things down will help. It would also be good to connect with others on here again, as I do miss chatting on here.

That was longer than I thought it would be! I am going to make a cup of tea, and try and prepare myself for Monday!! If you've read all that nonsense, thank you :)
Welcome back Ellie you've been missed!

And well done for writing all that down. We all know that feeling that we'll never succeed - but try instead to remember that fab feeling when you get on scales and see a great result! :)

I've been struggling for a while too, and put loads of weight on in Italy, so am back to my heaviest...anyhoo, am going to do low carb again and do my best to avoid pesky (adorable) bread!
Hiya! I’ve decided to come back too just need to update my thread at some point today - don’t dwell too much on things - you can get back on track - it May take time - but what’s the rush?
Am trying to get back on track again myself too xx
Thank you all :)

I feel a bit better after my little essay. So today hasn't been too bad food wise!

My daily calorie limit is currently 1700, as I didn't want to go too low too soon. So far I am at 1361 cals, which includes a large glass of pinot grigio!! Lovely! I need to add on my milk for the day, but overall it's looking good. Dinner was a good old SW carbonara, and it was lovely!

Tomorrow is sort of planned. Yoghurt and fruit for breakfast, maybe a belvita. Sandwich and fruit for lunch, and dinner will be salmon, rice and veg!

Still feeling a bit down on myself, but not as much as yesterday. So on wards and downwards!!