i felt so pleased last week because i got into the 10st category and this week ive just blown it! Got my WI on wed but i havnt been sticking to the plan since last wed! i have no idea why, and to make it worse ive just eaten 2miniature dairy milks and 2 miniature caramels (from the mixture multipack - it was meant to be a treat one every other day or one when i desperately had a chocolate craving!!)

someone please give me a shake!!!:cry:
I was desperate for a binge last night. No idea why, I wasn't hungry. I didn't want fruit, yoghurt, just wanted to raid the choccie basket.

Instead I had an Alpen light bar and a Highlights hot chocolate drink. I still wanted to snack so I went to bed!!!
Going to bed is the best binge avoidance tactic EVER. Once the teeth are brushed, you seem to resign yourself to the fact that you've dove eating for the day!!!
alexisemma: have you tried the Kelloggs Fibre Plus bars? Everybody on these boards kept saying how nice they were so I got some chocolate ones, and they're amazing, like a proper choc bar but a HEB (or 5.5 syns)! I will defnitely be turning to these next time I have an urge to choccie binge.
Why do these urges always hijack me from nowhere....had my haircut earlier and then popped into shop...actually had a mini cheesecake, a curly wurly and some crisps in my grubby paws but thankfully aftr walking round the shop for a bit I put them all back and bought the spuds I was after and a bottle of cherry diet coke then came home and at a pear and a banana.....it was a really close one though to having a full on binge
I don't want to sound like a total b*tch but I'm always surprised that some people buy food they shouldn't necessarily be indulging in and then not expect to eat it! I understand that some of us have families and such that aren't on sw and we can't avoid having certain things in the house. I have a daughter. She likes cookies. The kind I could eat all of in 1 day. I know that I can't have "just one" of anything with sugar in it. I will crave and think about it until they're all gone! When we spend money on choc, crisps etc, we're paying to make ourselves fat. I wouldn't pay anyone to make me fat! Cravings are hard. Very hard. I don't suggest anyone go tee total. But knowing ur personality well enough will help u know what u can have in the house and what u can't. I overindulge - on free food. Rice in particular. Guess who gained weight this week? And Guess who didn't buy rice this week! Lol!

An alcoholic can't have a bottle of vodka to nip out of when s/he feels the need. Because they feel the need all the time. I always feel the need for sugar. My first week was hellish. But I'm getting so much better. And stronger. There will come a day when I can have one cookie and be done. But there might not be! (I hope there is)

I've stopped paying to make myself fat. I pay to make myself thin. My favorite apples are bloody expensive, but I buy them because I like them and I know I will eat them. Don't deprive. But if moderation isn't in ur vocabulary yet, don't torture yourself!

I guess my best advice is to buy 1 of what u want. Not a bag full for when u "need" it. Buy 1 curly wurly. When its gone, you're done. U can buy more! Just one at a time. I've been the girl surrounded in candy wrappers. And I felt pathetic. Being in control of your eating habits means knowing yourself inside and out. For those of us addicted to food - or who can't just stop at one - this is key.

As always...let's be good to ourselves.
I agree with what you say really. I don't buy things I can't trust myself with but i do have a little shop about 30 yards away from my house!

Luckily I haven't had a binge since starting SW in october and am quite good at resisting.

I think ppl are different though and buying a few treats is an important lesson. You can't compare food to alcohol because we need food to survive and cutting things out completely does lead to binging for many people whether it's the food in their house or something at a restaurant a week later.

I made a syn tin with fun size choc bars for the cinema (i have an unlimited cinema pass), it must have had 20 bars in. I ate ONE and I'll tell you who couldn't resist... My boyfriend! So I'm not going to pay to make HIM fat and the syn tin is scrapped!
hi i have just come back to s/w after counting calories i came across this post and thought it was a brilliant idea i have a feeling i might be using it quite a bit :eek: